EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
That's not how it works. I hope the results revealed this to you. What was the final Florida results again ? Ouch
sure it does..0<1..i took clintons vote and tuned it into sanders vote instead of having my vote cancelled out.


final results? that it wouldn't of mattered if i voted or not here in the deep republican south..but it sure is a profitable place to live selling AIR..6-figures profitable:mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
He's making his case and that is good. He isn't going to be the nominee and you cant make policy unless you win. YOU and Shuylar advocating staying home and not voting is a vote for Ted Cruz, so like it or not you me and America is going to have to eat that shit sandwich called Clinton and vote for her. Because Ted Cruz not just a shit sandwich he is a fecal shower we don't want to bath in
Boy, you just love to cram words in people's mouth, don't you? No wonder you never seem to learn anything.

Find the post where I said I'd decided to not vote.

There isn't one, asshole. So stop making shit up.


Well-Known Member
Boy, you just love to cram words in people's mouth, don't you? No wonder you never seem to learn anything.

Find the post where I said I'd decided to not vote.

There isn't one, asshole. So stop making shit up.
Do what I suggest. Look hard and find something you can agree with Hillary on. It will make it easier for you when she becomes your next POTUS


Well-Known Member
still losing in delegates and the populace vote
And you're still cynical. Some things never change.

Give the process a chance to work.

Are you being paid by the Shillary campaign?

If not, then why the drive to knock voting democrats off their preferred picks so early?

Maybe you don't really like democracy, and you're much happier bring told who to vote for.


Well-Known Member
And you're still cynical. Some things never change.

Give the process a chance to work.

Are you being paid by the Shillary campaign?

If not, then why the drive to knock voting democrats off their preferred picks so early?

Maybe you don't really like democracy, and you're much happier bring told who to vote for.
I just want to soften the blow when reality finally sinks into you guys. Bernie did not understand this delegate thing and it is too late for him now


Well-Known Member
I just want to soften the blow when reality finally sinks into you guys. Bernie did not understand this delegate thing and it is too late for him now
you guys can't even identify 'less than' or 'more than' signs:lol:

seems pretty foolhardy to declare a victor when the race isn't over.