The UK Growers Thread!

Whoever says autopots don't over water talk shit!
I'm having to do it by hand now and plants look shit but seeing an improvement since they have dried over last 3 days it looks like N def and P def
easy all and @makka mate they dont if you do it right
u need clay pebbles in bottoms of pot about 1 " - 1 1/2 " also i mis my medium with perlite around 50/50 also what i did from the start was get me a water timer attatched to my water tank which u can program to control the flow also i always made sure i give a dry period once a week but i couldnt believe how they drank once big 200 litres in tank on 16 plants and 3 days later the tank wud b empty so i wud leave empty for 2 days a week and i also have the air domes in bottoms of pots so my setup basically i would have the water timer open when lights come on and would have the line open for 3 hours i did this as i was a bit worried incase the valves didnt close and flooded my house
also a big thing i need to add is when u first pot up the cuttings / seedlings u should hand water for the first week - week and a hald in order for the plants to get established properly in the pots and then switch the system on i have a big air pump with air stone in my res and air domes in the pot i only have the air domes on when the lights are on i think i have got everything in that i needed to but let me know if you did the sdame things or what didnt you do that i have said ? clay pebbles in bottoms of pots ? dry period ? air domes ?
the aqua valves are the shit but if your medium hasnt got perlite in whats happening is the trays fill up and your medium soaks it all up and doesnt drain fast enough and then your medium is drenched and the tray fills back up having pebbles in bottom or air dome helps reduce the wicking action or provide oxygen in the root zone tbh i love the easy ness and how lazy u can be and i still have managed the same results but this time i am aiming to see improvements as with the auto pots i have really been so lazy its hard to believe i was still getting results i was only filling tank once a week and really not doing nothing for the whole week
.......thinking i should do a full diary for my next run as im just about to start my next venture and have been lucky enough to locate another location so i was thinking one on auto an one on hand watering will try to keep both as close together as i can apart from one auto pot and one manual
easy all and @makka mate they dont if you do it right
u need clay pebbles in bottoms of pot about 1 " - 1 1/2 " also i mis my medium with perlite around 50/50 also what i did from the start was get me a water timer attatched to my water tank which u can program to control the flow also i always made sure i give a dry period once a week but i couldnt believe how they drank once big 200 litres in tank on 16 plants and 3 days later the tank wud b empty so i wud leave empty for 2 days a week and i also have the air domes in bottoms of pots so my setup basically i would have the water timer open when lights come on and would have the line open for 3 hours i did this as i was a bit worried incase the valves didnt close and flooded my house
also a big thing i need to add is when u first pot up the cuttings / seedlings u should hand water for the first week - week and a hald in order for the plants to get established properly in the pots and then switch the system on i have a big air pump with air stone in my res and air domes in the pot i only have the air domes on when the lights are on i think i have got everything in that i needed to but let me know if you did the sdame things or what didnt you do that i have said ? clay pebbles in bottoms of pots ? dry period ? air domes ?
yeah my mistake was to use 100% coco i think i do have airstones in res n 2inch pebbles in bottom of pot but the wicking power of coco is strong and was logging from sitting in the trays of water m8
i have them on the mend by hand watering but i would of liked the system to work how it should just left on and walk away for a week but it didnt work like that lol
maybe i can do that with a 50/50 mix of coco/pebbles as they do recommend this on their site and say not to use all coco wich i did :roll:
Can't wait to have a bash at breeding
i have just bred myself the zlh x royal queen amnesia as i ended up with a male in my seeds so i pollinated a few branches on the zlh and i can honestly say i am well happy i paid 40 pound for seeds and i have ended up with shit loads of seeds im just a bit disapointed that i used the royal ammy as the female s didnt really produce well so i feel i have used shit genetics on the male part but its something i have never done as it was the first male i have had in about
3 years
They was fully established clones in 4ltr pots of coco before I potted up to the system they rooted well into the autopots but the pots are waterlogging always saturated cause the valve doesn't really give a proper dry period

Although on their site it says to use a mix of 50/50 coco/pebbles and I used all coco with an inch of pebbles in bottom of pot
mate u shudnt of potted up into system u should have them established in the pot that you are using in the system u have potted up and put in system and the roots havnt had chance to fill out and then they have been drowned in medium that aint got the root mass to drink
i have just bred myself the zlh x royal queen amnesia as i ended up with a male in my seeds so i pollinated a few branches on the zlh and i can honestly say i am well happy i paid 40 pound for seeds and i have ended up with shit loads of seeds im just a bit disapointed that i used the royal ammy as the female s didnt really produce well so i feel i have used shit genetics on the male part but its something i have never done as it was the first male i have had in about
3 years
so have you run the seeds you got? if so what are they like
mate u shudnt of potted up into system u should have them established in the pot that you are using in the system u have potted up and put in system and the roots havnt had chance to fill out and then they have been drowned in medium that aint got the root mass to drink
i hand watered for a week mate theirs plenty roots trust me their even coming out the top lol it was as simple as longer dry periods have fixed the problem
they was all soaking wet man even on the top of coco the valves are working properly its my medium i never made it airy enough for the autopots and the cold nights made it even worse im gonna givem another try but with airdomes in pots and a 50/50 mix i think they will be bang on then lol lesson learnt
mate il send u link for the timer to use on tank here
the first timer i ordered wasnt any good as the psi from gravity isnt great but this one works a treat also it has a ribber filter thingy in top that does get blocked half way through also u need an inline filer
yeah my mistake was to use 100% coco i think i do have airstones in res n 2inch pebbles in bottom of pot but the wicking power of coco is strong and was logging from sitting in the trays of water m8
i have them on the mend by hand watering but i would of liked the system to work how it should just left on and walk away for a week but it didnt work like that lol
maybe i can do that with a 50/50 mix of coco/pebbles as they do recommend this on their site and say not to use all coco wich i did :roll:
mate if you run system for 5 days and go and turn it off by hand and let dry out you will b ok but how u mentioned u potted up and then put in system the potting up would of left alot of space in pots that wasnt ocupied by roots / health mass so the medium that was soaking up the feed would of caused the over watering imo
get a timer and control when the trays fill up and when they dont like at night i dont see why the trays should be filling up so i simply only let system fill trays when the lights are on
lol, its like Robbie p said, imagine walking into local boozer where everyone knows each other for years, some stranger comes in all mouthy talking shit to people he don't know insulting their dogs and telling em they smoke/drink too much, lmfao, and top dog you are coming across a bit weird so I generally ignore all your posts, u obviously just lurkin for cuts man but telling liked members to fuk off when their dogs died is a bit cunty lol
i see you still atracting the begs
good to see you still filtering out the cunts zed if he dont get the way this works he prob is feds :D
mate if you run system for 5 days and go and turn it off by hand and let dry out you will b ok but how u mentioned u potted up and then put in system the potting up would of left alot of space in pots that wasnt ocupied by roots / health mass so the medium that was soaking up the feed would of caused the over watering imo
get a timer and control when the trays fill up and when they dont like at night i dont see why the trays should be filling up so i simply only let system fill trays when the lights are on
yeah i agree it was a combination medium/potting up
I couldn't imagine losing my staffy but the day will come I know he's just like one of my kids lol
i not long lost my dog and ye its not nice i found him dead on his bed and my heart broke my missus still thinks im weird but i tried everything when i found him dead chest compression an even tried breathing into his mouth to resuscitate him but it was no good dogs aint pets to me he was like family
i not long lost my dog and ye its not nice i found him dead on his bed and my heart broke my missus still thinks im weird but i tried everything when i found him dead chest compression an even tried breathing into his mouth to resuscitate him but it was no good dogs aint pets to me he was like family
sorry hear about ya dog man but i would try the same without a doubt even if the slightest chance