What should i do?!?!?!?


So i have 2 plants here. One is lemon og and the other is bubbleicious.
On both plants the leaves are curling. Im not sure what this means. Iv heard it can be from to much water. To little water. To much heat. But im hoping with the pictures i posted somone will be able to tell me what it is.
The tent they are in stays between 79-82 degrees. I water them every other day when the soil gets dry. Not giving them any nutes yet. They are in ffof soil.
Any ideas???


Well-Known Member
Not too be disagreeable but cannabis prefers daytime temps from 70-85 your tent temp is fine. It won't hurt too cool it a bit but those temps will not harm them at all.


Not too be disagreeable but cannabis prefers daytime temps from 70-85 your tent temp is fine. It won't hurt too cool it a bit but those temps will not harm them at all.
Okay my goal is to not let it go over 79, but you were definitely right about it being time to transplant, I just put them into 2 gal pots, When I took them out of the solo cups the roots were looking pretty trapped. I'm sure they are gona be a lot happier now that they have space to grow.