Can you estimate how many grams will I get from this plant?


Well-Known Member
Ok, for the sake of myself and everyone else in love with this hoody......WHERE is it available?
Ya know what, it's least not that I can find anywhere. But it should be. No doubt there would be a "certain" market for it.
I snagged this pic from another weed board somewhere but a Google for "bout a pound hoodie" yields nothing.
I would guess that in reality, actually wearing this hoodie would bring constant questions to the wearer from the uninformed and ignorant public at large.


Well-Known Member

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
For future reference, and you can join in on the fun when more FNGs come, but never ask what you'll yield. No one can estimate that.


Well-Known Member
Have you used both sources with equal PAR or PPFD to make that claim?

just curious
Yes I have a garden with 4 LEDs In there now,dude they will not come close to hps I'm talking from the growers that I grow with has a unit,our overall yeild has been hit hard by info and false claims put out there by the led company's dude,there is only one of our group who is continuing to use them,but we have told him what ever he is down in weight from the led comes out of his stash,

Too be honest I would rather use a 4 ft t5 with 6 tubes,for vegging than a led ,they look pretty all purple in colour but that's has far has it goes.On the hunters of dank subcool started of with All LEDs ,but further down the line I notice the LEDs have vanished and only one remains I have double checked plants and room set he changed half way through,One garden on there with high set tables,with cookies has main crop,I don't care what anyone's says those plants will throw 4 per plant if there lucky.Something will come a long in time but it ain't yet.

The price of them is stupid money,the ones I was looking at was 500 pound each,and I would need 4 to get the similar out put from the 1200 out put of my hps lights.

I am good friends with the guy at the grow shop he knows how I roll,I said anything over a lb per plant per light was his ,if he let me take 4 for 4 plants,1 mtr square area each plant.he would not do it and later said the best he knows any one getting is 10 per plant that is cured bud.thats like 24 oz min loss per grow x that by every 9 week big impact on over all amount
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