Breeders Boutique

Just curious why paypal is a balla ass move? It wouldn't let me cancel my account; piece of shit in my eyes, but to each their own
Just curious why paypal is a balla ass move? It wouldn't let me cancel my account; piece of shit in my eyes, but to each their own
I meant more from a business standpoint. I do not know of any other seedbanks that take Pay Pal. From a personal standpoint, my PayPal is the only account my wife does not have linked to her phone and watch like a hawk. So on a personal level, being able to order beans without hearing a bunch of shit is nice too.:roll:
Thanks dgt & DST!

As many free seeds as I ordered. Got
Deep blue x sour cherry (I think)
SK x deep blue. (Sour kush?)

Thanks guys!
Aye, SK is Sour Kush, or Reserva Privada's/DNAs original Headband they brought out back in 08' I think, which I got a bunch of S1 bag seeds from (they sold a load of flowers through the GA not seeds). And then they changed it to Sour Kush due to drama in LA and then changed back to Headband, lol.
Guys how long should it take the dog to pop ? 8 days and nothing

How did you germinate them? Good taproots? Growing medium? I do paper-towel method and usually have decent taps at around 48-60 hrs. Drop it in a solo cup about 1/4"-1/2" down and lightly brush over some topsoil just to cover it a bit. 2-3 days later and they're up.

Thanks BB! Ripped open a couple of packs as soon as they arrived, some baby DOG and Fireballs coming up. 2 of the DOG's are having a hell of a time shaking off their helmet but looks like they'll be good to go otherwise :)

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Nice G. Waiting until Sunday evening to check on my BB beans. I made myself a little seed-scuffing tube out of some 120-grit sandpaper. I've also had some issues with beans not being able to quite shake off their casings so I'm hoping this helps a bit. Wouldnt hurt to take a crack at it I dont think. We'll see ;) Nice work on your F2s btw. I stalk your thread also :P