Auto seed germination


Active Member
I soak my seeds in water then the paper towel trick . Some say that autos u shouldn't do that with is that true or false , plan on doin it my way u
Less someone says otherwise , feel as if it wouldn't make a diffrece ...


Well-Known Member
Seeds is seeds. Everyone has their ritual for germination. There's really no "right or wrong". Do what works for you brother.


Active Member
Yea agree there . Was plannin on cutting a solo cup bottom out and placing it in the middle of my pot for early watering, kinda hard to water a whole container with just that little seed , was gonna water the hole container two days before then just water the center inside the solo


Well-Known Member
Yea agree there . Was plannin on cutting a solo cup bottom out and placing it in the middle of my pot for early watering, kinda hard to water a whole container with just that little seed , was gonna water the hole container two days before then just water the center inside the solo
Just remember when they are that small thy don't need much watering. One squirt or two for the first week or so will do the trick. Once you see some true leaves, start thinking about feeding. Best of luck dude.


Well-Known Member
use a pipette or a plastic syringe for early seedling watering. works a treat :)
I germ seeds in a paper towel inside a plastic ziplock bag, once the seed pops open and you see white I plant it straight into its final container and use a couple of mls of water in the syringe.
Finally I put a clear plastic cup over the seed area to keep heat and moisture in till its grown big enough to remove it. Just keep adding water every other day till it gets big enough then you can up your waterings and nutes as usual.

I highly recommend to use the final pot from the start to reduce stress, and keep the light at least 3 or 4 feet high to begin with to maximise the plants stretch, once it has stopped stretching you can lower the light.
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