Have you seen the article about problems with glass.....

High numbers of bladder cancer are found near Oregon glass manufacturer after pollution scare set off fears of a public health emergency

Oregon health officials say they've discovered a small, statistically significant cluster of bladder cancer diagnoses in two North Portland neighborhoods near a glass manufacturer, Uroboros.


Thankfully from my understanding that stuff is mostly media a hype scare started by environmentalist in the portland area. After the EPA did more testing they said that there wasn't any significant amount of the heavy metals in the area that would be able to effect anyone. The factories that were in question were both "soft glass" factories. The glass Doc and I use is pyrex, or hard glass. The companies that we deal with stopped cadmium color production for several weeks just as a preventive measure so they didn't get thrown under the bus. They are installing better filtration on the facilities in the mean time to ensure they aren't harming the environment.
Got to see if I can talk to the couple experienced glass blowers I know but it looks like I found my first color that is one of the " good luck with that shit" colors I have heard about when you are doing deep incasement. Took about 4-5 hours to make this 1 1/4 inch marble that was much larger before you remove the extra clear and really pull your image to the surface. Twice now it has cracked to shit in the kiln and I am thinking it is the glow in the dark Boro stick. Pipe is pomagranet over illuminati and will have to make a new marble before i add the rest of the black and illuminate parts.20160404_132224.jpg20160404_132456.jpg
Had another great visit with 420roofer yesterday while he was in town and maybe get to see him again before the bbq. Cool guy and he is going to Guam next and that would be cool. I was in the army with guys that severed and were deployed there. Got plants coming down end of the week As Well as having a couple growers from south of me up friday. Looking like the GDP x hb, bck, and one of the Larry B will be the first done.
Well the guys at glasscraft were not much help other than the only trouble they have heard about is burning off the glow in the dark not incaseing it. I had already figured it out on the way there anyway and confirmed with my books. That marble is 1 3/8 in and with the add joints it we) have when finished I will have to anneal it at the rate for 1 1/2 thick glass. Anything over 1 inch changes a lot and over 1 1/4 the temp even drops 20 degrees. Well problem solved as long as I can fix the cracks again. Wasn't to bad last time and it was a lot worse. Also picked up two uv colors that were odds. Odds and seconds save a lot of money on if you can work with a crooked rod that goes big to small, or has an air inclusion.
I also picked up a small peace of lizard tech tubing. This is one of the things i would be using the crucible for. The other cool thing is I could dip into clear and incase like that. 420roofer was thinking you added clear over with rods which you do. He was surprised to see how you put one tube inside another like the borocrow or how I have to make the double layers like the pomagranet over illuminati. Shit I could batch that and sell it as tubes aswell. Now i have to coilpot rods to make tubes that have to be layered. Going to try the pink like in joedanks rig over the illuminati also when they restock it 20160404_165509.jpg20160404_165426.jpg
@Thundercat bro any help here? This this marble is 1 3/8 in and is a dot stack implosion with illuminati, aqua glow borostix, and black backed with silver creek and persimmon strike. I know I set the new program right and I ran the program all the way down to 100 and it still looks like surface cooled faster than the core.20160405_132011.jpg20160405_132057.jpg20160405_132029.jpg
So everyone as for the grow I just typed for 22 minutes and it glitches out and deleted it all so i will retype when I don't want to throw my phone. I am about to sort pics and get them up on here finally and start putting in a set number of seed company hours everyday now that the new stock is getting closer. Have had three headshops get back to us out of the ones from Louisiana across to Atlanta we have been contacting we have to get pics to. @Thorhax I had a glass shop issue yesterday and didn't get to your email. It will be comeing your way today most likely this evening after I catch up and sort what stock is left.

Here is a pic of the bear creek kush last night before i tied it up
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So everyone as for the grow I just typed for 22 minutes and it glitches out and deleted it all so i will retype when I don't want to throw my phone. I am about to sort pics and get them up on here finally and start putting in a set number of seed company hours everyday now that the new stock is getting closer. Have had three headshops get back to us out of the ones from Louisiana across to Atlanta we have been contacting we have to get pics to. @Thorhax I had a glass shop issue yesterday and didn't get to your email. It will be comeing your way today most likely this evening after I catch up and sort what stock is left.

Here is a pic of the bear creek kush last night before i tied it up
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That bear creek kush smelled so good. It's gonna be nice.
Hey Doc sorry it took me a minute to get on there and comment. That pomagranate over illuminati piece looks great! As far as the marble goes I think its the encasement of the glow glass. I've never used it, but I've read lots of stuff about it checking on inside out pieces. I have had unobtainium, a few other sparkly greens check on me when I encased them.

How did the flat cane turn out? It does take a ton of heat. I used my buddies Delta elite when I pulled some a few months ago for some extra fire power.

We are currently expanding to be able to do soft glass furnace work as well as the boro work we do. Along with that we got a furnace and crucibles to pull boro tube and rod. We are going to be able to fit 4 10lb crucibles in it. I figured since you were talking about it, you'd find that exciting.