Well-Known Member
Have you seen the article about problems with glass.....
High numbers of bladder cancer are found near Oregon glass manufacturer after pollution scare set off fears of a public health emergency
Oregon health officials say they've discovered a small, statistically significant cluster of bladder cancer diagnoses in two North Portland neighborhoods near a glass manufacturer, Uroboros.
Thankfully from my understanding that stuff is mostly media a hype scare started by environmentalist in the portland area. After the EPA did more testing they said that there wasn't any significant amount of the heavy metals in the area that would be able to effect anyone. The factories that were in question were both "soft glass" factories. The glass Doc and I use is pyrex, or hard glass. The companies that we deal with stopped cadmium color production for several weeks just as a preventive measure so they didn't get thrown under the bus. They are installing better filtration on the facilities in the mean time to ensure they aren't harming the environment.