The senior citizen old hippie growers club

Just yesterday I was on amazon looking at hair dye

my buddies have made numerous comments

which in the past I have ignored ..

the stuff I found was for celebrity babes

and not recommended for concealing grey, gray or is it gay..?

The wife wanted me to use just for men so we did it. Never again! It looked like I had been eating poo and had it all over my face. I keep my hair 1/4" so the only grey you can see is my facial hair. Currently 51 years old living in a 80 year old body.:lol:
Yeah the hard part of growing old is the rapid decline of friends and family that leave this world before you. I've lost 5 aunt's and uncle's and 7 friends in the last year and a half.

I don't need to be old to know that pain, brother. I've been losing friends and relatives of all ages, for all causes, my whole life. Cherish the time we get with those we love, and don't wait. That's the lesson for me.
Yeah the hard part of growing old is the rapid decline of friends and family that leave this world before you. I've lost 5 aunt's and uncle's and 7 friends in the last year and a half.
Me too..! totally unprepared for it, our clans are all about 2-3 years apart generation after generation

my old grannie dropped off, then to be followed by just about everyone else ...a hell of a shock!!

some advice from an elder would have be a nice warning

that happened some years back in my 40s, right when life was really hectic

I don't blame anyone, just pissed it happened when I was busy

some common sense observation on my part, a for warning is needed

face palm, no ... I punch myself for being so wrapped in my own scene
At 49 do i qualify for this geezer club?


First toke 1979.
Started smoking regularly 1980 (gold seal black, thai stick, "BC hydro", mostly...and the odd bit of legit Columbian Gold)
Invented the "zixxer" 1981
In the "business" since 1982
Started growing 2010

Or do i have to wait until next month when turn the big Five Oh? Lol
At 49 do i qualify for this geezer club?


First toke 1979.
Started smoking regularly 1980 (gold seal black, thai stick, "BC hydro", mostly...and the odd bit of legit Columbian Gold)
Invented the "zixxer" 1981
In the "business" since 1982
Started growing 2010

Or do i have to wait until next month when turn the big Five Oh? Lol

Shit, you're exactly the same age I am. If I don't have to ask, neither do you.

Y'all twenty somethings better ask, though. Nicely.
Introduced another young-un (30) to old school weed this weekend, was a total blast 8)

Was over at a friends this weekend and his son (early 20s) had a bunch of pals over to play cards. They were noisy as fuck talkin early20s shithead shit...annoying the fuck out of us geezers, gathered around a project in the garage. My pal asked me if i wouldnt mind shutting them down. So i went in the kitchen and lit up finger sized gagger of some NL#2, which i just brought back from BC the other day. A classic that was around a lot in the late 80s. Anyway, i took a pull and walked out. 5 mins later it was eerily i nuked the kitchen...hahahahHahah works everytime...
At 55 I can see now a little clearer why people that live into their 80's or more are often miserable pricks. The world has a way of doing that to ya over time.
More than any other time in my life I fully trust absolutely no one other than my wife.
And death....dealing with death is the hardest part of living. Something you can do absolutely nothing about is the most frustrating feeling one can ever experience.
At 55 I can see now a little clearer why people that live into their 80's or more are often miserable pricks. The world has a way of doing that to ya over time.
More than any other time in my life I fully trust absolutely no one other than my wife.
And death....dealing with death is the hardest part of living. Something you can do absolutely nothing about is the most frustrating feeling one can ever experience.
Yeppers !!! I can see how that is so true, but now everything changes so fast seems like folks in their 30's will soon be grumpy old f**ks
Have you Older Gods been hoarding any Old School strains since back in the day? My Dad reminisces about Thai Stick & Original Skunk No.1 from the 80's
Age is just a number. I'm 25 give or take 40 years, and the way I look at it is - I am a member of a forum that advocates the cultivation of an illegal substance throughout the world, I cultivate that illegal substance, I advocate the legalization of it, and I get high. That in itself makes me young.

I see there are threads for Irish, UK, LED, Indoor, Outdoor, 400w, 600w etcetera. I demand equal time. I think there should be a thread dedicated to us grey haired throw back from the 60's and 70's (or even earlier) growers.

Allow me to introduce myself...$bkbbudz$ here. 51 years old and have been cultivating for about 7 years total. I was 'forced' to not grow for 4 years in between, But 7 years of actual growing experience. I have always done things the natural way in soil as was intended by nature. I am an old dog and to stubborn to try the new tricks the whippersnappers are so fond of. Soil ain't broke so I ain't gonna fix it.

Anyone else care to admit their age???
Well some of us were victims of the 'Reefer Madness' paranoia propaganda of the 30's and 40's...others by their parents being victimized by the same era. I am one of the latter.
"Victims" of "Reefer Madness"? Man the 1st time I saw that movie, and knew what it was about, it got me to thinking about evil marijuana. My parents told me it was evil, and that's all I needed when I was 12 in 1967. A black guy I played pool with said to me ,"you want to get stoned?" I thought of that crazy piano player in that movie, and said what the fuck, I'm bored now, let's go. 3 hit's later, after coughing a lot. I knew my parents were liars, and the movie was a joke. Been smoking ever since. Oh, I am 60, and god bless Cialis (Valium, Abilify, Lamotrigine, Lipotrope, Pristiq,,Xanax, Peyote, LSD, Fosters, Jameson and Mutalex are included)