Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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how does tectonic activity work on a flat earth?

what does the other side look like?

how does gravity work on a disc?

is it spinning? if you're closer to the outside do you spin faster or get whipped away into space?

if i stand in the center will the earth be revolving around me?

how does the weather work on a flat earth? how do the oceans keep the water from flowing right over the edge?

is there really a man on the moon?
how does tectonic activity work on a flat earth?
tectonic movement still occurs

[/QUOTE]what does the other side look like?[/QUOTE] don't know, what does dark matter look like?

[/QUOTE]how does gravity work on a disc?[/QUOTE] gravity is explained by density. The weight of our atmosphere pushes us and anything more dense than it's self down.

[/QUOTE]is it spinning? if you're closer to the outside do you spin faster or get whipped away into space?[/QUOTE] not spinning.

[/QUOTE]if i stand in the center will the earth be revolving around me?[/QUOTE] not spinning

[/QUOTE]how does the weather work on a flat earth? how do the oceans keep the water from flowing right over the edge?[/QUOTE] there is no edge, just a boundary where the Suns heat fails to keep the water from solidifying to ice. Past this point is ice.

[/QUOTE]is there really a man on the moon?[/QUOTE] no, nor has there ever been.
those women are cray, good for 3 nights then it s full panic mode, self recrimination / loathing imo...running lol
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how does tectonic activity work on a flat earth?

what does the other side look like?

how does gravity work on a disc?

is it spinning? if you're closer to the outside do you spin faster or get whipped away into space?

if i stand in the center will the earth be revolving around me?

how does the weather work on a flat earth? how do the oceans keep the water from flowing right over the edge?

is there really a man on the moon?
they dismiss the concept of gravity, the psychopathology, aka flat earth belief, dictates that there is no gravity but that the earth disc is ascending propelled by an undisclosed force at an acceleration consistent with the value "g" for earth gravity, loving this cured exo im vaping
She's a Filipino migrant worker living in Qatar(!), sending her dollar home to her kid the Philippines. An American dude she meets on the internet is totally in to her and agrees to ship her over to the US and pay all her living costs. Not a scam, a no-brainer.
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