Marijuana Causes Bad Stomach Problems, Etc.

I'm sure a good amount of the people who claim marijuana cause them stomach issues have poor diets and lifestyles. I've had a stomach issue since 15, I'm almost 19 now and I've had my med card since 16; It has done nothing but wonders for me. It's really hard to pinpoint stomach ailments, you shouldn't just assume its the pot; I went under numerous tests and stomach scopes to figure out what is wrong. I feel a lot of people also psych themselves out, why wouldn't you want to believe it's the pot instead of an ailment or poor diet? I would much rather assume it's the pot too but you shouldn't discourage others from using it. Doctors would much rather see you using the pills, not all doctors are like this obviously but I currently suffer from tardive dyskinesia (involuntary movements like shaking) after a doctor had me on reglan for too long, I was only 15 when I was prescribed so I had no idea about the black box warning, I didn't look into things back then and I just trusted my doctors which was a big mistake. For some, these pills really do work but I couldn't even keep the pills down half the time and the side effects are not worth it. I manage my ailment a million times better now just using holistic supplements and marijuana, RSO is amazing along with the capsules they have. Indica does wonders for me and I can now live a better life due to it. It's sad people will just believe articles and whatever else they think is credible. I've smoked every single day for years, I use NO prescription pills now and I don't even drink. I think the main thing I'm trying to get at is, try it for yourself and see. The amount of people who try to discourage others from using it medicinally is insane, it is known to have medicinal value. If you use alcohol yet you're against pot, you're fucking dumb. Btw, I smoked spice for a while before my stomach ailment and my cannabinoid receptors are just fine. I'm not discouraging the use of prescription meds either but be careful with the side effects and I do believe for some that pot could upset their stomach, everyone is different but I lean towards it being a mental thing/poor diet.
yeah whenever anybody has any problems they're quick to jump to the conclusion its the weed
Man, I was really shocked when I found this thread on another site. I was having bad problems with my stomach; pain, gas, bloating, indigestion, burping, nausea, loose stools, blockage, sometimes a little fever, etc, etc.
I am a long time mj smoker & I smoke pretty much daily. About 3 months ago, I started to get indigestion, gas, bloating, etc, etc, etc. Not having health insurance, I have tried everything and I was getting pretty scared I had somethiong really terrible. I was about to pull out $4000 from my IRA for a colonoscopy to get myself checked.
Then I found this thread on a med site about others, like me, who are having reactions to pot. If any of you are having stomach problems, or lung problems, it may help you::peace:
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
I developed IBS from stress about 3 years ago, I always feel like I have to shit and about once a month I get a flare up and it makes me useless for @least the day with explosive and painful diarreha. I quit smoking more than 16 years ago. I am considering trying bud next flare up. I hear its good for treating IBS.
I have Ulcerative Colitis, kind of like crohn's, and smoking is the only thing that helps with it. Without pot my problems get much much worse. I think people who have stomach problems when/after smoking have anxiety problems that are exacerbated by smoking. Nicotine does that to me, makes me uneasy and like have to poop sometimes. Some people get anxiety from smoking, others smoke to ease anxiety, just one of those weird things, I guess.
Hey there. I'm a UC sufferer and a noob grower, just for myself. Do you have any 411 on strains that are good for us? What about adding a sprinkling of depression into the mix?
Hey there. I'm a UC sufferer and a noob grower, just for myself. Do you have any 411 on strains that are good for us? What about adding a sprinkling of depression into the mix?
High cbd strains are great for things like crons disease so I wouldn't check out penny wise or black domina. Bu the dude you quoted is blaming his effects from the use of nicotine on anxiety caused by weed, when everyone knows coffee and cigarettes makes you poop. Stimulants guys.
High cbd strains are great for things like crons disease so I wouldn't check out penny wise or black domina. Bu the dude you quoted is blaming his effects from the use of nicotine on anxiety caused by weed, when everyone knows coffee and cigarettes makes you poop. Stimulants guys.
I'm sorry, you would or wouldn't?
I'm sorry, you would or wouldn't?
If I were you, I would look into strains like black domina or penny wise. The high cbd strains are good for pain. I have horrible nausea in the morning from taking lithium when I was younger, weed settles my stomach in the mornings. Just have to goose the right strains.
Hey there. I'm a UC sufferer and a noob grower, just for myself. Do you have any 411 on strains that are good for us? What about adding a sprinkling of depression into the mix?
Infuse it in coconut oil and eat it. make brownies or a cake or something. Its a good substitute for butter/cooking oil. low and slow is the key to cooking with it, too high of temps will mess it up. sativa can give you a laxative effect. Any strain with thc would be good for depression.
Why are you saying your problem is a reaction to pot? You smoked for years, recently started having stomach problems. Take the colonoscopy because it's not the pot, as you will find out when you quit smoking it. A good idea is to try a raw food detox diet. Detoxify your body and cleanse your GI with healthy organic foods. After the first week you will feel 10x better, at the end of the month when you are finished you will be a new man/woman.
I still dont see why you think the pot is hurting your stomach, was it because you read that article?? I can show you articles that prove pot will help your stomach pains... let me see what dr bob has related to GI disorders.

Crohns disease
There you go, read those and your problems wont be related to pot anymore. I really hope you try the detox cleanse, then the colonoscopy. It is FOOLISH to think smoking pot will do those things to your body. It's the pepsi and cheetos you ingest after smoking that is the problem, good luck.

Actually weed can cause stomach problems, and does. But not to all people, each individual reacts differently. I smoked off and on, and I found that when I did smoke, I'd wake up the next day with really bad stomach aches and diharria. Then when I didn't smoke, obviously I was fine. So I stopped smoking just because it wasn't worth waking up in pain, it wasn't fun. The doctor had also done tests for ulcers and other things that could be causing it, and the funny part was I was perfectly healthy and it was the weed that was the problem. Upon quitting, it's never happened again.
Actually weed can cause stomach problems, and does. But not to all people, each individual reacts differently. I smoked off and on, and I found that when I did smoke, I'd wake up the next day with really bad stomach aches and diharria. Then when I didn't smoke, obviously I was fine. So I stopped smoking just because it wasn't worth waking up in pain, it wasn't fun. The doctor had also done tests for ulcers and other things that could be causing it, and the funny part was I was perfectly healthy and it was the weed that was the problem. Upon quitting, it's never happened again.

sounds like you were smoking some shitty buds loaded with pesticides
sounds like you were smoking some shitty buds loaded with pesticides

No actually. I've tried medical (my friend was on it. She'd get hers at the compassion clinic) I've tried it from several difference sources and it's always the same outcome. My doctor has said it just doesn't agree with me, and if it's causing my pain, it's best just not to use it. So I stopped using it and the pain has stopped. You do have to realize every drug whether it be herbal or chemical, is flawed. Everybody is different and reacts differently to substances of all and any nature. Whether it be allergic reactions, or just something that doesn't agree with their system. Weed is great for several different things and helps many people, and that's excellent for those who need it and it agrees with them. However, it doesn't work for everyone and that is ok :)
Although a rather old thread, as others have stated I feel the issue isn't in the Marijuana itself, but rather how you may ingest it, your diet, your lifestyle, and many other things that probably play a factor in the underlying issue of stomach pain. Of course also you have to factor in that every strain can effect someone differently so it would be a good idea to look up ahead of time if you have certain medical conditions that may be enhanced from a particular strain.
Nope, I eat a well balanced diet and stay away from junque food and carbonated drinks and abstain from alcohol in excess as well. I get plenty of healthy exercise and have a yearly physical and I just had a colonoscopy in January and everything was fine. It is the pot, no doubt about it.
Its bad bud when my friend smokes his with me soon as i hit it i get a bad stomach ache when i smoke mine on daily basis im good great i believe its not dirty meds but burnt meds burnt it during grow and alot of these dispensaries have poor quality meds
Because humans consumed cannabis for 10,000 years, and than abruptly prohibited, it is possible that most, if not all, illness and disease in humans is caused by "Cannabis Deficiency Disorder"

When I find that I am suffering from CDD, I try to drive some cannabis into my system as quickly, and efficiently, as possible.bongsmilie:joint::joint::joint::eyesmoke: