barack obama and john mccain, both evil!!


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http://www. ronpaulwarroom. com/?p=12322

Obama Camp Unveils "Buy American, Vote Obama" Campaign
By Greg Sargent - August 15, 2008, 4:11PM

The Obama camp is pushing a new theme in Pennsylvania tomorrow -- it's called the "Buy American, Vote Obama" campaign.

Here's the new logo, to be unveiled tomorrow and to appear on stickers and flyers in select towns around the state:

According to an Obama aide, the new effort dovetails with a renewed push by the Obama team in Pennsylvania to poke fun at John McCain's recent claim that he would rather hear the roar of "50,000 Harleys" than the cheering of 200,000 Berliners.

As the Obama camp was quick to point out, McCain opposed legislation that would have forced the U.S. government to buy American-made motorcycles.

The Obama camp's push on the issue includes running this recent ad, which was running in the York market and mocks McCain's Harley quote while pointing out McCain's position on American-made bikes, in two new markets in Pennsylvania beginning tomorrow -- the Pittsburgh and Scranton/Wilkes-Barre markets.

Obama's Pennsylvania campaign, the aide says, will be hitting the ground this weekend in around five towns around the state with stickers and flyers bearing the above "Buy American, Vote Obama" logo.

The events will feature a few dozen actual Harley riders for Obama that have been recruited for the weekend's events.

"Harley riders aren't typically supportive of Democratic candidates," the aide says. "But we're making a play for them by saying that Obama's economic policies are the true patriotic ones.

If "Buy American, Vote Obama" catches on, it could conceivably be unveiled in other battlegrounds.

It's yet another sign of the Obama camp's efforts to turn the attacks on his patriotism on their head by arguing that McCain is the one who's anti-American-worker. Such arguments have had mixed success, but with the economy topping the list of voter concerns, it's possible that they will land on fertile ground in the struggling industrial battleground states.

http://tpmelectioncentral. talkingpointsmemo. com/2008/08/obama_unveils_buy_american_vot. php

Lynne Cheney interjecting that Barack Obama and her husband Dick Cheney are related at 33 seconds

into the interview. (The interviewer probably already knew this.

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=dl0V_2kZzNA

And Obama is related to McCain as well. Because the candidates are all related somehow to the Queen of England and other royals, they are all chosen by bloodline.


The first name Barack means “blessing.” (Oddly, in the Hebrew language, the same word, barak, means “lightning.” For the Bible significance, see Luke 10:18.) The senator’s middle name means “handsome.” But, the last name Obama does not come from Arabic. It comes from the Luo language. It means “crooked.” [1] Obama means “crooked,” “zigzag,” or “not in a straight line.” So, the meaning of his entire name — as it would be understood by diplomats from Africa or the Arab world is: “the blessing from the handsome one that is crooked.
” So… is his name prophetic, or mere coincidence?

JOHN McCAIN….MEANING: “Son of Cain” Cain is the first murderer who killed Abel.
Cain is also claimed to be the original illuminati bloodline!
Obama and McCain Are 22nd Cousins Descended From King Edward I of England!

More than 15 former American Presidents are also related to King Edward I. Once again we see generational genetic manipulation by high ranking illuminists. We also see that infamous number 22 again between the genetic linkings of Obama and McCain.

Once again, we see illuminati generational inbreeding occuering. This time it’s between Democratic candidate Barack Obama and Republican candidate John McCain. This comes as no suprise to readers at Theconspiracyzone as we have told you all along how illuminati factions want to preserve their “Luciferian” bloodlines through intermarriage. Before the last election we informed you that George Bush and John Kerry (Real last name Cohen) were in fact 6th cousins.
Now this from CNN of all places:
For all their insistence on how unlike they are from one another, the three U.S.
presidential candidates share some noteworthy family connections, the New England Historic Genealogical Society has found

Democratic Sen. Barack Obama, who has made his opposition to the Iraq war a linchpin of his campaign, is distantly related not only to President George W. Bush but also to another wartime leader—former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Because of his shared ancestry with President Bush, Obama is also indirectly related to his rival on the Republican side, Sen. John McCain.

McCain, it turns out, is a sixth cousin of First Lady Laura Bush.

Meanwhile, defeated Sen. Hillary Clinton, is related to New age author Jack Kerouac, Canadian Prime Minster Pierre Trudeau and Camilla Parker-Bowles, wife of Prince Charles of England.

Clinton also shares ancestors with Grammy Award-winning singers Celine Dion and Madonna.

The senator won a Best Spoken Word Grammy for the audio version of her book, “It Takes a Village.” Rival Obama also snagged one in the same category for his book “The Audacity of Hope.

Conservatives who sometimes accuse Democrats of being in bed with liberal Hollywood elites may have been handed one more round of ammunition by the Society’s findings.

Clinton, the Society said, is related to Angelina Jolie. And Obama is related to Jolie’s boyfriend Brad Pitt.
Watch a report on the candidates’ family trees and other news »

The New England Historic Genealogical Society, founded in 1845, says it is the oldest such organization in the country. Members spent three years tracing the lineage of the candidates.

Among its other findings:
McCain, the Vietnam War veteran who spent five years as a prisoner of war, descends from a long line of kings: Scottish King William the Lion, English King Edward I and French King Louis VII.

Obama, the son of a white woman from Kansas and a black man from Kenya.

He is cousins with six U.S presidents, including Lyndon Johnson, Harry Truman and Gerald Ford. He is also linked to American artist Georgia O’Keefe, the Duchess of Windsor and two men who signed the Declaration of Independence.

Most surprisingly, Obama, the man who could become America’s first African-American president, (We at Theconspiracyzone suspect he’s really Arabic, but more on that later), is linked by ancestry to Robert E. Lee, who commanded the armies of the Southern slave-holding states during the American civil war.

As it turns out, 35 of the past U.S. Presidents are related to King Alfred and Charlemagne. We at TheConspiracyZone also have it on good information that Barack Obama is a 33rd degree Mason as well. More on that in an upcoming article. What’s the purpose of all this? Once again, to give rise to the New World Order through the illuminati bloodlines and finally reveal the biblical antichrist to the world. BE PREPARED! — “HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE UNFRUITFUL WORKS OF DARKNESS BUT RATHER EXPOSE THEM”...EPH 5:11

http://theconspiracyzone. podcastpeople. com/posts/25391

if nothing is happing then why is every one all related to each other somehow...

they keep these families in line so they an control us.

this shit is deep, no matter who you vote for , either way you get a descendant of killers.


stays relevant.
What proof do they have that Obama is at all related to brad pitt? LOL I'm really curious to know.


Well-Known Member
and? 22nd cousin? that means SHIT.

I'm related to every dewey in history. The dewey of the dewey decimal system, Admiral dewey who saved the philippines or something. It doesn't matter!

22nd cousin. It's about as meaningful as the 6 degrees of separation.


stays relevant.
and? 22nd cousin? that means SHIT.

I'm related to every dewey in history. The dewey of the dewey decimal system, Admiral dewey who saved the philippines or something. It doesn't matter!

22nd cousin. It's about as meaningful as the 6 degrees of separation.

Thank god there is someone smarter than me when it comes to human lineage.


Well-Known Member
Evil politicians?! I never! Nah, I think barrack is just some sort of manchurian candidate, bred and designed to take the presidency. He's lenient on pot and isn't republican, though, so he's got my vote.


Active Member
Left or Right...Its all wrong and hypocritical, Politics is a evil game in every sense of the word used to skew your thoughts & views


ps: Ledgic I know all about the Illuminatist , im right there in the know with it from the bloodlines , Skull & Bones , everything...trouble with it is NO ONE is self thinking enough anymore to look into it and give time to it to understand



Well-Known Member
i didn't have to read all that to realize that every politician is evil.

i watched the DNC and i'll watch the upcoming RNC.

i feel like my taxes bought me a government. it turns out not function the way it was advertised, i lost the receipt so i can't return it and it keeps costing me more money to maintain it.

i saw a few politicians at my state fair, i thought of them as frauds. lying and manipulating the media. the scary part is that people accept politians and are drawn to them.

we're in a bad economy and normal middle class people are throwing money at the campaigns. lets see, pay a $20 cover to see some guy shaking hands and taking pictures? or put gas in my car so i can get home? no thanks, i'll buy beer and weed.

i hate politics, it's a worthless debate.

i think any US senator/congressman that supports war or the army should be purged from office. year 2008, there's no reason to have such a large army and have military bases around the world. i want every military person on US soil. fuck world interests, how about US interests?


Well-Known Member
Politicians are evil? NOOOO, NEEEEEVER!!!!

so ppl are corrupt? when did that happen?

i know these ppl arent angels, i just want the person who is goin to do the LEAST damage.... ya dig?


Well-Known Member
his father is from kenya (dead) mother is american, he lived in thailand till the 8th grade and was a practicing muslim!!! look it up wiki it


Well-Known Member
http://tpmelectioncentral. talkingpointsmemo. com/2008/08/obama_unveils_buy_american_vot. php

Lynne Cheney interjecting that Barack Obama and her husband Dick Cheney are related at 33 seconds

into the interview. (The interviewer probably already knew this.

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=dl0V_2kZzNA

And Obama is related to McCain as well. Because the candidates are all related somehow to the Queen of England and other royals, they are all chosen by bloodline.
I'm related to John McCain and Barack Obama too. We all are. We all share common mitochondrial DNA which proves we came from the same female.

Sounds like it's time for someone to take their crazy pill...