Well, there are no more buds....
I have killed everything and disposed of it and I am getting rid of the fridge.
I have given my life over completely to Jesus Christ.
He is the ONLY WAY to eternal life.
My prayers are that you ALL will follow my lead and accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.
Not even talking about God.... just LOOK at what is going on around the world right now... crime is RAMPANT, several shootings EVERY day, natural disasters are on the rise every day, wars, and rumors of wars, the debt and the economy is in a shambles and the financial collapse is IMMINENT, which will usher in the New World Order, one world government, one world currency, one world RELIGION.
It IS happening right before our eyes.
We, as a nation, have rejected God in so many ways, gay marriage is legal, abortion... killing our unborn then selling the parts, taking prayer and God out of our schools, trying to get "In God We Trust" taken off our money, exalting all that is bad/evil and making people of faith seem like whack jobs.
EVERYTHING is upside down and backwards.
Then, take a look at the Biblical things that are going on.... Look at what is going on in the middle east, and with Israel rebuilding the temple and the Jews (Gods people).
Look at the signs God has given us in the blood moons and the Shemita.
Just google Bible prophesies in 2016, just LOOK at the things that were written over 2000 years ago that are coming true right NOW... word for word !
It is amazing how "CLOSE" we are to the Lord coming to take his Church home to Heaven, and then God, the Father will pour out His wrath upon this earth for our sinful ways. Tribulation.
You all may think... well, we are screwed... right?
John 3:16 says that "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. (NIV)
Don't take my word for it... DO the research, you will see that we are living, right now, in the end times told about in the Bible.
I love you all in Christ and hope you all heed the warnings we ALL have been given.
We ALL have been given free will, to accept his free gift of salvation, or to reject it and be condemned to an eternity of misery and torture.
I pray you all that read this will do the former, not the latter.....
He is coming SOON !
FD.... out !