Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
No, Hooka, we are all that milky, silver

How come you don't play much anymore Bushie? Getting too corporate on us , eh? (No, I am not from Canada)
He's going into nest mode. Bushy, are you eating a bunch of ice cream and gaining sympathy weight? OR are you diving head first into your home made cheese stash and hanging out on the chess forum?


Well-Known Member
Jack is looking at Anne but Anne is looking at George. Jack is married but George is not..Is there a married person looking at an unmarried person?


Well-Known Member
.....a few more days on the road and then it's back to the homestead.
A month of not too much excitement, not quite enough space and barely enough time to achieve all goals.
Boy starts back at school on Monday and I've got a hundred jobs to get stuck into.
Gonna need to make some money too. I've been all spendy on diesel and booze for weeks...