Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
bought my mom flowers for her birthday had them sent to her house..not even remotely close to what the photo offline looked like
i know its a seasonal thing, etc. and on hand..but seriously....not even similar like a bit

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You should give birth on Friday.
(1) Our youngest was born on that day.
(2) It's easy to remember.
(3) The hilarity of the gift's can be awesome!
Plus then hubby can help the first three days when you are literally half asleep and the coos of your baby make you pass out on the couch while breastfeeding.


Well-Known Member
bought my mom flowers for her birthday had them sent to her house..not even remotely close to what the photo offline looked like
i know its a seasonal thing, etc. and on hand..but seriously....not even similar like a bit
got a comparison pic?


Well-Known Member
Heart rate at 135 apparently that no good? Idk my bp is a bit low cant remember. Just finished triage, they put me straight into the next room.

I dont want tonbe here all night. Last time I got out at 530 am and had to walk home, but they did give me 2 percs and 2mg kpins.(last time)

This time I will probably nap in the chair till I gotta leave.

Can you believe they wont let ya just lay on a stretcher to sle÷₩? Bastiges they be. O well I can sleep on the floor for all i care.

Night guys.