Everything MMA Thread

lmao trying to equate dc to jones because he threw a shoe that DIDN'T hit any women or children is a pretty ridiculous comparison. jones always bugged me. he gets in front of a camera and acts like he's some kind of all american christian superhero...when he's really a selfish crack smokin sociopath. not that i have a huge problem with selfish crack smokin sociopaths, but just own it if thats what you are...and next time you crash into a pregnant woman maybe make sure she isn't in there dying before you grab your crack/cash and scurry off.
Of course it was ridiculous it was meant to be.
I seriously hope Jones isn't actually dumb enough to drag race on probation with such a major fight coming up in less than a month.. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt for now, we'll see what happens..
Jones arrested

DC had a red panty night

Kind of a slippery slope though I think, somebody would just say if we're going to ban oblique kicks, why not ban inside knee kicks? It's the same motion for the opponent but instead of kicking with the bottom of the foot you're kicking with the top of it. They both kind of try to slightly hyperextend the knee joint, why risk an ACL injury?

I'd say take a point when someone throws em, same with eye pokes, those should be automatic points
I can remember two acl/mcl injuries in the ufc and neither of them came from kicking or being kicked. Conor McGregor and Carlos Condit. I don't being kicked in the face can be very healthy, look at the NFL and all the concussion issues. I think the rules are good. You cant manipulate small joints. If they start trying to enforce rules and determine if someones kick landed on the knee or thigh they're gonna need instant replay. Then knee bars, heel hooks will be taken out until MMA is watered down to kick boxing.
The eyes pokes need to be fixed, not sure how they can do it. They'll have to figure out a way to change the gloves. You'll never see fighters with closed hands all the time. Even boxers your hands move faster when open. Taking points would be a good start, but that's after the damage has been done.
McGregor fighting nate at170 again.. smfh.. conners a real dumbass..
Guess it depends on how you look at it. He has a built in excuse to lose at 170 again, but if he wins does that mean he gets a title shot at 155? Of course he will. If he goes down to 145 Franky Edgar will beat him I'd bet every dollar I have. He had 1 good fight at 145 against aldo that's it. I think he'd Aldo in a rematch, but Edgar, Mendez, Holloway, Swanson, Olivera all tough fights. Of course he can still say he cleaned out the division and some will believe him.
i kinda like how they handled this. it gets franky his big fight. aldo's involved. sets up mcgregor for aldo/edgar. diaz vs mcgregor at 170 will be badass no matter what happens and it doesn't compromise any rankings or stature at any other weight class. i might buy tickets to 200. i wish they would throw nick diaz vs robbie lawler on there too.
i kinda like how they handled this. it gets franky his big fight. aldo's involved. sets up mcgregor for aldo/edgar. diaz vs mcgregor at 170 will be badass no matter what happens and it doesn't compromise any rankings or stature at any other weight class. i might buy tickets to 200. i wish they would throw nick diaz vs robbie lawler on there too.
You think if connor loses again he should get a title fight at 145 and if he wins will he want one? I don't know if he can make 145. I'm surprised they have McGregor as the favorite against a guy that just beat him and beat him with no training camp.
he's still the belt holder right? or did he actually vacate the belt? they used the term interim championship regarding franky vs aldo. It's mind blowing they would make diaz an underdog after the last fight. there must be a ton of irish money coming in on mcgregor. anything can happen in a fight but honestly how is mcgregor going to win? cm probably gonna win the first couple rounds but eventually the boogyman is gonna walk him down.
He needs tighten up ground game a lot, this fight ends up on the ground he's done. I think this fight might be closer. He may have underestimated Diaz and gassed trying to end it with one shot, and if he should lose again his diamond loses its shine. Look at it from Diaz's side if he loses he could make more money from a 3rd fight. I go back and forth with McGregor sometimes I like sometimes I don't, but I like the way he has the UFC dancing to his beat.
He needs tighten up ground game a lot, this fight ends up on the ground he's done. I think this fight might be closer. He may have underestimated Diaz and gassed trying to end it with one shot, and if he should lose again his diamond loses its shine. Look at it from Diaz's side if he loses he could make more money from a 3rd fight. I go back and forth with McGregor sometimes I like sometimes I don't, but I like the way he has the UFC dancing to his beat.

He didn't think anyone could take his left. At 145, it touches them, they go down. 170 lbers have stronger jaws.

And Diaz can take a punch. Everyone e forgets that Diaz face was done. That cut was bad.

Connor gassed out thinking he could knock Diaz out.
i love mcgregor. i love how he talks, love how he fights.i don't think he can beat diaz in a 5 round fight though. i think he'll make it outta the 2nd but its hard for me to see him winning a 5 round fight. he hit nate with his best shit in the first fight and didn't ever wobble him. its possible diaz could get stopped from a cut.
I was nervous about the cut in the first fight when kept wiping it

Exactly. That will factor in.

200 predict

Jones stops DC due to cut from elbows 3rd or 4th.

McGregor stops Diaz due to cut from punches 3rd or 4th.

I would like to see Jones front kick DC for the KO. And Connor choke Diaz but I doubt both of those outcomes.
"White said no matter what happens in McGregor’s rematch with Diaz, he’ll return to featherweight to fight a title unification bout against the Aldo-Edgar winner."-mmajunkie
the Aldo-Edgar winner."-mmajunkie
I think the ufc needs to figure out a way to determin what is and isn't worthy of a rematch. As long as the ufc controls the sanctions promotion. match making they will hand pick every fight. Dilishaw vs cruz close fight no rematch, Rousey vs Holm fight not even close gets a rematch.
Holm vs tate good fight down to the last minute no rematch.
I think the ufc needs to figure out a way to determin what is and isn't worthy of a rematch.
OK, so lets do it. Fuck waiting on the UFC brass to establish legitimate rematch conditions. We're the fans, how would we set the rules?

First, I think we need to establish a legitimate way to rank fighters. I'm personally pretty sick of leaving it up to "MMA journalists". I think the fight fans should have a say in the rankings. Fans should add (or subtract) from a fighter's ranking after every fight. The UFC should establish legitimate rankings devised by the fans. I've been around since the beginning, the fans know what the fuck they're talking about. Rankings and fight matchups should at the very least be set by the fans and considered by the UFC brass.

RANKINGS NEED TO MATTER. You should never have a #6 guy fighting a #1 guy, ever. 2's should fight 1's, 3's should fight 4's, 5's should fight 6's, that's how it should be. If one guy DESTROYS another guy, consider it in the rankings. Likewise, if a #3 guy beats a #4 guy in boring fashion, CONSIDER it too!

I think we have a long way to go as a legitimate sport, but I think we're on the right track. Just give the fans the fights they want to see. Stop playing favorites, and put the sport above the amount of money it might be able to generate for it's executives. Do that and we'll have a lasting sport that will generate millions of dollars and be entertaining for everyone from the casual fan to the die hard enthusiast!