Spider mites spider mites does what ever spider mites does can they swing from a web
but no seriously I would watch for web's check them really close and still bomb them with neem to be safe the quicker you kill them the better you will be even if you don't see any yet gnats don't eat leaves the larva eat roots it could be other bugs aswell but it throws a flag for mites
thank you bubblegum31 very helpful info appreciate it. Going to invest in both products any advice for auto nutrients?[/QUOTE
Autos can be picky nute wise 99% of the time they are very light feeders compared to the photo version of there strain they flower quick so there is not much room veg if your soil has anuff organic Matter to carry it into flower then don't worry about it if not you have some choices ease on some veg nutes and ease them out entering when they show sex because to much nitro in flower will stall them and time is crucial with a auto so then when it's start flowering ease them off with a 5-50-17 and then switch to a 0-50-17
or you can start with a 5-50-17 when they get hungry carry them to flower and then switch to a 0-50-17
but last but not least you can just start with a 0-50-17 depending when they get hungry and that is determined by the quality of your soil remember never full strength!