Need help with Nevada home cultivation law (cultivating strains that dispensaries don't have)


Active Member
I was hoping you could help me understand the medical marijuana laws for home cultivation in Nevada.
I am a disabled person who will be moving to Las Vegas shortly and getting a medical card.
I want to grow my own strains and I'm having a hard time understanding the wording of the law?


12 (twelve) mature plants. Limits on home cultivation if patients reside within 25-miles of an operating dispensary. However, patients who are cultivating specific strains of cannabis not provided by a local dispensary may continue to engage in the home cultivation of such strains. Patients who have an established history of cultivating medical cannabis prior to July 1, 2013, also may continue to do so until March 31, 2016.

What does this mean? Can you use your own genetics as long as no dispensary has the same? Do you have to contact the state and get special permission to grow specific strains? Do you need proof to show the lineage?

Any help would be appreciated.
So you have to coordinate your girls the way you want 6 flowering plants 2 mother plantsand like 4 clones you know you gotta mix it up how you want hope that helps
I understand that part but the 25 mile "Halo" law effectively makes any growing in Las Vegas illegal...
If you have a strain that is for your personal medical issues or that helps you with your particular medical issues and no other dispensary in the state are in town has that particular strain you can continue to grow it yup so if you have your own genetics and no other dispensary has them keep growing it keep your medical card up the date we should be good
That's what I'm hoping. I contacted and waiting to hear from them. It's written so vaguely that it's hard to understand. I would like to see what happens when LEO is at the door and I'm trying to explain: "Noo the dispensary doesn't have (what ever strain)... Unless its a law they aren't gonna enforce...
It seems like a medical card holder could keep growing specific strains with proof that those strains aren't available in dispensaries. But you would probably be taken to court to prove it if caught. What do you think?

Here is what a Nevada attorney said about the medical law:

"Thank you for contacting our firm with your legal inquiry. To answer your question, no at this time there are no permits issued by the state or any other authority that would specifically allow a patient to continue cultivating based on lack of strain availability (or for any other reason). Unfortunately, the law regarding a patient's ability to continue self-cultivating is very convoluted and dependent on individual circumstances (strain availability, location of the patient's home, when they first applied for a patient card, indigence, illness, etc.), even local law enforcement seems unsure of how to enforce the new law. The law was written so that it leaves a lot of discretion to the law enforcement officers as to whether they should bring charges or not. With regard to lack of strain availability, patients are essentially left to prove in court (after charges have been filed) that they needed a certain strain to treat their ailments and that the strain was unavailable in a dispensary, which is not an ideal situation for the patients."
just grow it and make sure you mark on your medical renewal form where your grows located tell your doctor the stores don't have the strains you require, end of story
Is there an option to mark it in the application? Also the state told me the most you can harvest/have on you at any given time is the same 2.5 ounces. That means any grow you have would have to be a small perpetual SOG type.
It says on my paper work that March 31 is the last day for growing your own. The cocksuckers in this state have taken this bullshit to a new level. They don't even state the if you're 25 miles away from a dispensary or nothing. I guess what they are saying if you can't support a dispensary and pay black market prices then we're coming after you. Hell, I could have bought from the black market for the last 10 years if I could have afforded it. My only reason for growing is that it's TO GODDAMN EXPENSIVE since we have to save all our money for health insurance and taxes.
It says on my paper work that March 31 is the last day for growing your own. The cocksuckers in this state have taken this bullshit to a new level. They don't even state the if you're 25 miles away from a dispensary or nothing. I guess what they are saying if you can't support a dispensary and pay black market prices then we're coming after you. Hell, I could have bought from the black market for the last 10 years if I could have afforded it. My only reason for growing is that it's TO GODDAMN EXPENSIVE since we have to save all our money for health insurance and taxes.

You have to tell your doctor your growing weed the dispensaries don't have. Simple as that.
You have to tell your doctor your growing weed the dispensaries don't have. Simple as that.

I don't have a dispensary close to me. The closest one is in Reno, over 45 miles. I don't think there will be one in Carson City since it's way too small to support a dispensary. I just wish the state would be more clear on the rules as they change. Way too many regs for a plant.
It says on my paper work that March 31 is the last day for growing your own. The cocksuckers in this state have taken this bullshit to a new level. They don't even state the if you're 25 miles away from a dispensary or nothing. I guess what they are saying if you can't support a dispensary and pay black market prices then we're coming after you. Hell, I could have bought from the black market for the last 10 years if I could have afforded it. My only reason for growing is that it's TO GODDAMN EXPENSIVE since we have to save all our money for health insurance and taxes.
Does this apply to those who were "grandfathered in"?
Biggest problem is the 2.5 ounce per two weeks harvest limit. I grow in DWC and will have to try really hard to harvest anything under 4 ounces per plant.
None of these things really make cultivating in Nevada legal. Being grandfathered in, plant count, yield, strain availability are nothing more than defenses that you can use after you are busted. Never mind the 2 nanogram DUI limit. ---Colorado here I come!