Hippy? Did the goat eat you?

Supposedly he said some bad words and the site moderation automatically took over and banned for a month or "discouraged" him for a month. In other words, he can't logon very well or post worth shit.
Apparently you can drop the F bomb at will but you're not allowed to express yourself honestly it seems
hope he's just on vacation !

This place is fucked. So Sunni, your trying to tell me that the hippy has been making literally THOUSANDS of posts....and you just now....decide to "discourage" (let's face it, you gave a grown man a time out here) him for one month!!?

This is obvious that there is money involved here.....not gonna lie, his antics have educated many on the BS that is LP mmj....

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app
This place is fucked. So Sunni, your trying to tell me that the hippy has been making literally THOUSANDS of posts....and you just now....decide to "discourage" (let's face it, you gave a grown man a time out here) him for one month!!?

This is obvious that there is money involved here.....not gonna lie, his antics have educated many on the BS that is LP mmj....

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app
woah hold the phone there buddy
first off it was not me its the computer system we have in place that did it.

second theres no money involved in this. at all. period. why would we take money from people to discourage a user? lol have you read our forum? outside the canadian section its all filled with bad reviews, good reviews etc.
we dont censor on that.

third. we cant take money from canadian companies anyways for tax purposes thats why we dont have any canadian sponsors anyone we accept money from is a sponsor or an advertiser here, and we have never censored a bad review or anything because one happens to be a advertiser we dont do that. rollitup is a legitimate website therefore we dont take under the table donations either.

but again all assumptions on your part cause you have no idea what actually happened. you just wanna jump the gun and blame someone when you actually havent a clue what youre talking about

users get put on slow down mode all the time here because of their bad behaviour , follow the rules you wont get docked. its that simple
and for the record he was never placed on slow down because of LP threads its was other behaviour and posts that are directly against our rules here.

may i take the time to remind you people this is a PRIVATE forum,. and while you may think its censorship WE are the ones who says what can be put on here and what isnt allowed on here.

and you the users signed an agreement to that when you joined our private forum.

if you dont follow the rules you will get docked . at least he isnt banned because we dont lift bans once theyre done
woah hold the phone there buddy
first off it was not me its the computer system we have in place that did it.

second theres no money involved in this. at all. period. why would we take money from people to discourage a user? lol have you read our forum? outside the canadian section its all filled with bad reviews, good reviews etc.
we dont censor on that.

third. we cant take money from canadian companies anyways for tax purposes thats why we dont have any canadian sponsors anyone we accept money from is a sponsor or an advertiser here, and we have never censored a bad review or anything because one happens to be a advertiser we dont do that. rollitup is a legitimate website therefore we dont take under the table donations either.

but again all assumptions on your part cause you have no idea what actually happened. you just wanna jump the gun and blame someone when you actually havent a clue what youre talking about

users get put on slow down mode all the time here because of their bad behaviour , follow the rules you wont get docked. its that simple

Holy man!!!

You provide us with the smallest amount of information about what happened....

And wonder why we come up with our own reality???

Hippy used to post here every day...

The guy is clearly capable of creating another account on a friend's IP and make more ridiculous posts (which we all miss to a certain extent....)

He hasnt done that.

Just saying. Lol

And I am sorry if I caused you offense Sunni......you just seem to be the only person here talking mod-talk so I guess I assumed you knew what was going on and just preferred not to tell us what's up because somehow that helps us learn how not to get "docked"

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app
That's almost funny Sunni....
It's common knowledge he is on 'discourage mode'..
WHY? Just so the rest of us don't find out the hard way (: with out warning.
As for the reward part yer on about.... It wouldn't be hard to hide :)
It seems the ones who took their post away are the ones responsible for having his account discouraged...even if it was not done by a mod?
Am I understanding this the right way? As it stands....The hippy has not had an explanation as of yet.
Not a legit one anyway it would seem.

and ya..I understand you have nothing to do with this..
That's almost funny Sunni....
It's common knowledge he is on 'discourage mode'..
WHY? Just so the rest of us don't find out the hard way (: with out warning.
As for the higer and reward part aspect yer on about.... It would not be hard to hide :)
It seems the ones who took their post away are the ones responsible for haveing his acuont discouraged...even if it was not done by a mod?
Am I understanding this the right way? As it stands....The hippy has not had an explanation as of yet.
Not a legit one anyway it would seem.

and ya..I understand you have nothing to do with this..

he has an explanation awaiting him upon his arrival/return . dont worry about that he asked me, i fully went through his account and explained everything to him in great detail. (took me 3 business days to get back to him because i was sick)
i will always do my best to explain things to users when they ask about their own personal accounts. always.

i dont know what you mean about the ones responsible for having his account discouraged, im lost on that perhaps you can explain some more. im not following you there
do you mean that if someones deletes their content than the system kicks in ..no it doesnt work like that
Holy man!!!

You provide us with the smallest amount of information about what happened....

And wonder why we come up with our own reality???

Hippy used to post here every day...

The guy is clearly capable of creating another account on a friend's IP and make more ridiculous posts (which we all miss to a certain extent....)

He hasnt done that.

Just saying. Lol

And I am sorry if I caused you offense Sunni......you just seem to be the only person here talking mod-talk so I guess I assumed you knew what was going on and just preferred not to tell us what's up because somehow that helps us learn how not to get "docked"

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app
its slightly offensive you would think rollitup would take money just to discourage a member of the website. seriously the owner doesnt care about the forum in that manner.

the owner stickly keeps site maintenance up , the website paid for, and ads running he doesnt dabble in the user base or content, he leaves the mods with a set of rules and thats it.
lets the forum run as regular.
the mods work as volunteers and we dont at all deal with monetary things like advertising at rollitup the owner does.

youll get spoken to several times before you are placed on slow down at least i know myself as a mod i will message you when i want you to stop doing what youre doing if its against the rules
im sure A LOT of people in the canadian section can say that theyve gotten a "please stop doing that" message from me at one point.

if it seems like im beating around the bush im sorry, i personally as a mod dont think its appropriate to discuss what the hippy did in order to get placed on slow down mode on open forum for the whole forum to see.
i have sent the hippy a message at his request explaining everything to him down to the last detail and he will read it upon his return and if he has any questions at that point ill be happy to answer them for him.

if you have personal questions about whats allowed on rollitup and what isnt. you can check support we have some basic rules there , and the terms and rules of the website can be found at the bottom right of any page on rollitup.
its slightly offensive you would think rollitup would take money just to discourage a member of the website. seriously the owner doesnt care about the forum in that manner.

the owner stickly keeps site maintenance up , the website paid for, and ads running he doesnt dabble in the user base or content, he leaves the mods with a set of rules and thats it.
lets the forum run as regular.
the mods work as volunteers and we dont at all deal with monetary things like advertising at rollitup the owner does.

youll get spoken to several times before you are placed on slow down at least i know myself as a mod i will message you when i want you to stop doing what youre doing if its against the rules
im sure A LOT of people in the canadian section can say that theyve gotten a "please stop doing that" message from me at one point.

if it seems like im beating around the bush im sorry, i personally as a mod dont think its appropriate to discuss what the hippy did in order to get placed on slow down mode on open forum for the whole forum to see.
i have sent the hippy a message at his request explaining everything to him down to the last detail and he will read it upon his return and if he has any questions at that point ill be happy to answer them for him.

if you have personal questions about whats allowed on rollitup and what isnt. you can check support we have some basic rules there , and the terms and rules of the website can be found at the bottom right of any page on rollitup.

You sound very intriguing....

Even if it doesn't appear it, I do appreciate your time Sunni :)

Go easy on the ol' goat will ya?


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Maybe I wasn't clear... I'm misunderstood a lot

What made the system discourage him?
....................................................................So we do not do the same thing unknowingly, as he did?
As you've just said...he does not know yet and you know that at least. Both from what we have said and obviously what you know.

from what I see... there are way more people using the F bomb and calling people names on this site that are still here... lol I think .. maybe thats where some went.. :lol:
Hasn't she already said she cannot discuss it we y'all?

He knows why he got discouraged. They warn you 3 times before they can discourage you.

Read the tos.
Maybe I wasn't clear... I'm misunderstood a lot

What made the system discourage him?
....................................................................So we do not do the same thing unknowingly, as he did?
As you've just said...he does not know yet and you know that at least. Both from what we have said and obviously what you know.
im also running off no coffee. so im out of it.

he technically should be able to read his PM's from me, we have alot of users get put on discouraged (like A LOT we have a lot of members) this is the first time ever a members been unable to read the PM's while discouraged. so i personally think its his internet or computer plus discourage user thats causing it because everyone else whos ever been discouraged can read our pm's and respond just fine (albeit with difficulty but they can still do it)

so unfortunately he is unaware because he cant read but he has a message awaiting his return. again i think this is directly related to his internet /computer PLUS discouraged because we;ve never had this incident happen ever

i wont go into what exactly he said that caused him to be placed on it cause like i said uptop i dont think thats appropriate to talk specifics (key word here) out in the open.

but i will say it was several different incidents over the course of several different times. we have rules in support forum , and the terms and rules are found as a clickable link bottom corner right hand side of every page,
our rules here are pretty simple i mean very basic compared to most forums,
harassment, name calling , threats, personal violations, porn, nudity, selling trading etc all against the rules
its pretty basic things. you will spoken to several times about it before you are ever placed on discouraged, discouraged is a last attempt to get the user to understand listen stop we seriously mean you cant be like that here if the user continues after being placed on discourage once they return, than after a last stretch effort they will end up being banned permanently

i know hippy is your friend and i know its sucks and i understand when a well liked user is placed on discourage theres usually an uproar about it. but we dont do it without our reasons
like i said before though this has nothing to do with his lp threads or anything like that it was other behaviour that was against the rules
from what I see... there are way more people using the F bomb and calling people names on this site that are still here... lol I think .. maybe thats where some went.. :lol:
f bombs are okay swearing is okay, swearing at others isnt. its all how you word it
and yes of course some of it slips by us mods, i would be absolutely ridiculous to say we catch it all we totally dont.
but that doesnt mean its allowed either.

youll have to forgive us mods we try our best here, and im not making excuses but the forum has too much content in order to find it all and catch it all. so lots gets by us
we do a lot of other work on here aside from cleaning up posts, and we do try our best.

as i said though it doesnt mean its allowed on the forum