I just made the biggest amateur mistake, I'm so pissed off.


Well-Known Member
Fucking wish, right now. Payday's tomorrow.
If the seed eymbro is still inside the seed and I peeled 1 side of the seed shell off put it in water hope it comes back, the embryo looks fresh the root only died. 1 is fine, the other one also ok I think, I'm so pissed I've put like 8 more seeds to go.


Well-Known Member
I've become slowly against the paper towel method. Most paper towels have bleach. Just drop in cup of water till they sink, then plant into rapid rooters or directly into medium! I did and all 6 popped above ground in 2 days.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I'm considering whether I should even grow or not anymore I wasted 5 fucking seeds, I watered them but must of not planted them deep enough but I tried this method where you slightly cover the top but the temperatures are much hotter compared to last time i grew and they dried over night I'm fucking pissedd, 5 fucking seeds wasted, that's like $40
It's embarrassing because I've grown successfully few times as well.
Well, they could have been 6 Platinum Banana OG seeds at $400 or even Blood Orange/Clockwork Blood at the measly price of $150 per 6......

Get bag seeds and start figuring it out......Once you have it working well - spend the $ on beans!