I just made the biggest amateur mistake, I'm so pissed off.


Well-Known Member
I'm considering whether I should even grow or not anymore I wasted 5 fucking seeds, I watered them but must of not planted them deep enough but I tried this method where you slightly cover the top but the temperatures are much hotter compared to last time i grew and they dried over night I'm fucking pissedd, 5 fucking seeds wasted, thats like $40
It's embarrassing because I've grown successfully few times as well.


Well-Known Member
I killed 3 that same fucking way! So I dug them up brushing away the dirt layer by layer. Felt like Howard Carter exivading those beans. Dried out & died. I can clone all day long. I got too cocky thought oh hell ya I try that.


Well-Known Member
To make myself feel better I put a free bie in a peat pellet straight in. BOOM 3 day later standing tall! My point is DO NOT GIVE UP! I can list all the mistakes I made this my first indoor so yes I fucked up few times. Mistakes SPUR me on! You be OK. Carry on man!


Well-Known Member
To make myself feel better I put a free bie in a peat pellet straight in. BOOM 3 day later standing tall! My point is DO NOT GIVE UP! I can list all the mistakes I made this my first indoor so yes I fucked up few times. Mistakes SPUR me on! You be OK. Carry on man!
Last season I had some beautiful harvest, as if someone as experienced as me who has done it before fucked up basics, I'm not a pro grower but I have general knowledge and how to fix and avoid problems but this makes me feel like a retard.


Well-Known Member
Look I only topped one out of three! They look like Xmas trees! It's all good,its all love it's all chronic! I grow shorter bushy next run. Hopefully they'll grow a long, large, lovely phalis on top. A girl can dream right?


Well-Known Member
I had a few die from low RH. :D Btw just something to maybe think about. This method has worked the best with me with no fails yet heh..

Place seeds in cup of water, dont need to PH it just plain water. (I do use ro, but doesnt matter they say for this) Cover the cup with a lid for darkness. Let sit for two days. After that you will see they will fall to the bottom(if not you can poke they will fall). Most of the time they start to sprout in the water. From there can take them into the paper towel on heat, or plants them.

From there you can plant them, or put them in cubes, then put into container with light losely and spray sides to increase RH.

Just giving some ideas :) But yeah think every one gets to make those mistakes hehe.


Well-Known Member
Patience my friend, germinating seeds has become one of the easiest parts in the grow for me. Depending on how long the tap root is dictates on how deep i put it in the soil, but usually just a pinky finger nail deep.

In the past year, I have germinated I would say 50 seeds, all with 100% rates. Throw it in a damp paper towel that has been wringed of every last drip of water, throw them in the bag, put a drop or 2 of water in the bag to raise the humidity a bit.

About a day and a half later is when I usually get a small tap root, which I prefer them to barely be cracked then to have a 1/2" tap root.

Grab a gallon pot, I never germinate in solo cups since they dry out quicker and I don't want to transplant them at such a young age when they get root bound.

Water the soil a bit, make a hole with my pinky and do my best to be as gentle as possible and put the seed in there where the tap root is more so sideways or facing downwards if its small enough, slightly cover it with some of the wet soil (DONOT pack the soil down on it) cover it a bit with some dry soil and put a 2-3 tbs of water around it, never water directly onto it.

Check on it everyday just to make sure its not dry, which it never dries out on me and boom 2-3 days later I always have a seedling. I start my seeds outdoors, so I always try to start them in a greenhouse or atleast get a plastic film to throw over them to bring the humidity up a tad and the heat.


Well-Known Member
Look I only topped one out of three! They look like Xmas trees! It's all good,its all love it's all chronic! I grow shorter bushy next run. Hopefully they'll grow a long, large, lovely phalis on top. A girl can dream right?
Update I started off 7 seeds, one completely didn't hatch and I just did CPR on 2 and managed to revive them I'm confident 1 will survive but the other one is currently connected to machines and stuff barely able to breathe.

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
I've in one month wasted about 7 seeds, I was so fucking pissed at the money I threw away. I was trying out rockwool for the first time and messed up everything I possibly could.

Keep ya head up and try again. :D

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I've let clones dry out. Hmm... Also didn't notice a colony of mites until my plants were totally fucked up.
In other words, welcome to the club...

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
You don't need to cover them. Soak them in a cup of water for a day, then put it in damp paper towel, fold, dimebag it, and put it under a desk lamp for 2-3 days.


Well-Known Member
Hey James got any free bies to pop? I did paper towel thing it works. But I Always peak too much I think letting in light on it too early. So the bean I did that too has been a struggle the whole time. It's very weak it's got all stretching over a foot tall ohmygod I need to show a pic. You guys would laugh your ass off. I need lected it as my three blueberries or so he just got pushed to the side.


Well-Known Member
Hey James got any free bies to pop? I did paper towel thing it works. But I Always peak too much I think letting in light on it too early. So the bean I did that too has been a struggle the whole time. It's very weak it's got all stretching over a foot tall ohmygod I need to show a pic. You guys would laugh your ass off. I need lected it as my three blueberries or so he just got pushed to the side.
I did the paper towel it worked but i dried the sprouts, and yeah just used 2, i had a free auto i was trying it for first time but ive killed it now...