Farting on plants

Maybe if you get fart particles on the leaves once a week, it will build a light layer on the leaves and stems and you can cut out neem oil from your regimen

Edit put the f in fart
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I invite a bunch of 'neanderthaler' friends over to watch football and jerk off in my supersoil while it is cooking, that's the secret nobody talks about. Sure, we squirt a little on each other, accidentally, but it is kind of fun! I get 1lb under 400 Watts, every time.
I invite a bunch of 'neanderthaler' friends over to watch football and jerk off in my supersoil while it is cooking, that's the secret nobody talks about. Sure, we squirt a little on each other, accidentally, but it is kind of fun! I get 1lb under 400 Watts, every time.
This made me cry... I do hope you're joking, cause this cannot be good for plants, unless I'm wrong and those sperm cells make a huge difference...
in 'merica maybe thanks to 'southpark'..quepping? is seen as a serious crime

quepping as in a women farting out her vagina, is seen as a serious social crime.

Back in the 70's farting was seen as just as bad, even amongst other guys

too many, it was a shitty attempt to get some attention out of your buddies

and you were stamped a jerk, nowadays its no more a crime than a sneeze ..lol

but God Help You if you are a women, and let one Quepp. slip

anywhere on the planet .....lol

"Oh but honey you let one off, why can't I ?"

can be heard thru out the land, post Thanksgiving ....lol
I once lit my farts on fire while drunk and stoned on acid :). I loved acid :).
I invite a bunch of 'neanderthaler' friends over to watch football and jerk off in my supersoil while it is cooking, that's the secret nobody talks about. Sure, we squirt a little on each other, accidentally, but it is kind of fun! I get 1lb under 400 Watts, every time.
Well thanks for that picture that just burned into my brain like a swig of acid ......, Jesus Christ!!!!! :(.
When you fart on your plants it releases sulfer into the room changing the surface pH of the plants -thus creating a surface that powdery mildew and bugs cant live on......ITS SCIENCE!!! :mrgreen:

I invite a bunch of 'neanderthaler' friends over to watch football and jerk off in my supersoil while it is cooking, that's the secret nobody talks about.
Good advice but no secret, the use of semen is discussed extensively in this thread:

Can't wait till he brings back the "sperm" foliar question!
Seems legit: https://www.rollitup.org/t/before-semen-and-after-semen-folliar-spray.865977/
You all think this is a big fucking joke huh, well for all of us on CPAP, excess air build up is no laughing matter. I wake up and let one go after being pumped full of air all night and it don't stop for a fucking half hour. It's like the Hindenburg without the fire, it's like Mount St. Helens without the lava, and yup just a little ash. My asshole now has little vagina lips that flutter :(. The dog gets up and leaves....the dog!!! He eats dead, rotten meat for fucks sake!!! Yup big fucking joke, you bastards. See what you've started Ryan!!! There is now no question to stupid to post here...... Jesus Christ!!!!!
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