Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Fuck ya grill some chicken sip some whiskey drinking IPA and possibly hit my cellar for a gem later.

Bot sure what style to go with. Had "a up the kriek" on sunday, shit tasted kind of artifical almost like a halls as it warmed up.

This cranberry wild ale is much better than it was a week ago. Wild ales are such an interesting style of beer. Ever changing and can be wretched one week while amazing the next.

Im actually only drink pbr ;)


Well-Known Member
TnT needs a warning like enter at tour own risk.

I believe the good folks here should moderate themselves.

It would be lovely. Maybe block the area from new people too. Just to make it extra spicy.

Ya I am pretty good at this brainstorming thing.



Well-Known Member
So wveryone is asleep in this house. My ass is drunkenly pacing about so I decide let us lay down and post on some diff forhms. See how many bans I can get in one night. (Not here though becayse I am a good person here)

Lets cut this story short or ao will ramble... I just realized how geeked and drunk I must be because I was hitting my vape for a good 15 min without holding the button. I dont know where I was goinh with this Injust wanted to post