Everything MMA Thread

In the video jones says "you and I both know I didn't break the speed limit" and the cop says I didn't say you did. How do you drag race without breaking the speed limit? I wonder if they stopped the caddy too.
i'm indifferent to the police stop that was posted up, but the fact that he crashed his vehicle into a pregnant woman(breaking her arm) and fled the scene....returned to the scene to retrieve some cash/drugs then fled again without ever offering any aid to the woman...fuckin scumbag. i didn't like him much before the incident. if dc can't get him i hope gustafson or rumble beat him down.
I like Jones even more now that i know he's a sociopath. Complex guy that Johnny bones.
Me too, I might not hire him to baby sit or drive a school bus but as cage fighter he's pretty good.
DC threw a shoe at him in a lobby full of women and children. He's lucky it didn't hit anyone or that's assault with a dangerous weapon. What's that make him, he didn't seem to care who it hit. DC wont win, even his buddy Rockhold says jones is in his head. Rockhold said he wants to fight Jones at UFC 205.
lmao trying to equate dc to jones because he threw a shoe that DIDN'T hit any women or children is a pretty ridiculous comparison. jones always bugged me. he gets in front of a camera and acts like he's some kind of all american christian superhero...when he's really a selfish crack smokin sociopath. not that i have a huge problem with selfish crack smokin sociopaths, but just own it if thats what you are...and next time you crash into a pregnant woman maybe make sure she isn't in there dying before you grab your crack/cash and scurry off.
I don't really care much about a fighter's personal life (unless it's some legitimate maniac who shouldn't be fighting like War Machine), Jones is one of the best fighters currently on Earth, nobody can deny that. I love watching him destroy people. The eye poke and oblique kick tactics are pretty shady though
Kind of a slippery slope though I think, somebody would just say if we're going to ban oblique kicks, why not ban inside knee kicks? It's the same motion for the opponent but instead of kicking with the bottom of the foot you're kicking with the top of it. They both kind of try to slightly hyperextend the knee joint, why risk an ACL injury?

I'd say take a point when someone throws em, same with eye pokes, those should be automatic points
until someone whips his ass he's the best p4p fighter in the world. i'm not arguing that. i just can't stand him. that being said... he really hasn't been destroying guys once he hit the top of the division. evans decision, teixeira decision, gustafson decision, cormier decision.