jafro daweedhound
Well-Known Member
Sorry for taking over the post OP, just don't understand this 1g/per watt conundrum whether its based off lumen output, how many plants you have - enviroment, training techiniques, genetics, equipment used, nutes etc etc
It is based on seven primary factors to achieve maximum plant growth above and beyond choosing the right strain initially;
Proper amount and type of light, (wave length / duration / ect)
Correct amount of moisture / water available to plant,
Correct amount of nutrients being available for plant uptake (would include proper PH),
Correct amount of carbon,
Correct amount of oxygen,
Correct temperature(s) - grow medium /air / day / night,
Growing medium capable of supplying plant support. This would included maintaining correct nutrient content, moisture, oxygen, ect.
Each strain will have varying ideal levels of the above. going above or below each of these "ideals" will result in decreased growth. While being only slightly off will be inconsevable to the human eye, never the less decreased growth will occur. Further more having multiple excesses and/ or deficiencies will often cause a negative compounding effect on the plants growth cycles.
Don't worry about grams per anything, grow, learn, enjoy the fruits of your labour - do that and you are a winner dude.