Why Black Men Don't Open Carry

So the police opened fire, just like that? Or did they tell the guy to put the "gun" down multiple times? Shit, I'm from Europe and stuff like that doesn't happen here, but if a police officer tells you multiple times to put the fucking gun down, even if you know it's a toy, you do as he says.

Unless they told him once and then opened fire, then those fucks should be serving life behind bars.
Watch the video. The black man was murdered. He didn't bring the toy to the store. It was for sale at the store. The black man picked it up and was on the phone. He was standing there talking and holding the toy gun. Similar to how a person randomly holds something while on the phone.

The police barge in and shoot the guy. He made no threatening moves or gestures. He was murdered.

Actually, the person that called the police should be charged to. It was an anti gun person that called. It is suspected that the person that called might have even known it was a toy.
I got that data from conservative-headlines.com It shows statics that black men are far, far more likely to rape a white woman, as opposed to white men raping black women.

did you factor in that based on population and demographics, black people encounter whites 19 times more often than whites encounter black people?

and it didn't come from conservative headlines. screenshots don't lie. you do.

Screenshot 2016-03-10 at 9.05.02 PM.png Screenshot 2016-03-10 at 9.05.02 PM.png Screenshot 2016-03-10 at 9.06.15 PM.png

and you're obese.


  • Screenshot 2016-03-10 at 9.05.02 PM.png
    Screenshot 2016-03-10 at 9.05.02 PM.png
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did you factor in that based on population and demographics, black people encounter whites 19 times more often than whites encounter black people?

and it didn't come from conservative headlines. screenshots don't lie. you do.

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and you're obese.
All your "blacks encounter whites 19 times blah blah" means is that the average black criminal has 19 times the potential victim pool.

That statistic means the opposite of what you would want it to say.

Becuase if whits had it out against blacks that's 19 potential white assailant per black. We see the opposite result.
did you factor in that based on population and demographics, black people encounter whites 19 times more often than whites encounter black people?

and it didn't come from conservative headlines. screenshots don't lie. you do.

View attachment 3644014 View attachment 3644014 View attachment 3644016

and you're obese.
Your screen shot of niggermania has nothing to do with me. I've never visited the website, nor heard of it until I met you. How many more times are we still going to keep having the same EXACT chat? You can't come up with anything new to try and label me racist? Your Alinsky tactics to try and freeze, then attack the opposition on a personal level only works if you're right. And also you're boring, so that doesn't help...
All your "blacks encounter whites 19 times blah blah" means is that the average black criminal has 19 times the potential victim pool.

That statistic means the opposite of what you would want it to say.

Becuase if whits had it out against blacks that's 19 potential white assailant per black. We see the opposite result.

wow, you are hopelessly stupid.

here is what that statistic means.

a black person walks down the street and passes 100 people. on average, about 57 of them will be white. it should be higher based on population shares alone, but we have to factor in de facto segregation.

a white person walks down the street and passes 100 people. on average, about 3 of them will be black. again, it should be higher, but de facto segregation exists.

now look at the numbers of violent crimes. 1.2 million committed by black people, over 3 million committed by whites.

given a 57% chance that the victim of a black crime is white, we'd expect to see about 690,000 black on white crimes. but only 614,000 or so occurred.

given a 3% chance that the victim of a white crime is black, we'd expect to see about 93000 white on black crimes. but instead, there were over 135,000 white on black violent crimes.

that means that black svictimize whites at a rate less than even random chance would predict.

on the other hand, whites victimize blacks at 150% the rate that random chance would predict.

turns out it is white people who are the interracial offenders.

and you are hopelessly stupid.
what the fuck are you talking about?

did you notice that your post here on rollitup was copied verbatim from niggermania?

did your fatness cut off blood to your head, tubby?
I don't know about niggermania. But did you know that black men are far more likely to rape a woman, as opposed to white men raping a black woman? Why do you suppose that is? Does it have something to do with poverty rate?
I don't know about niggermania.

again, how are we supposed to believe that?

your post here was the exact same post that i screenshotted from your favorite site.

you're stupid. i buy that. but no matter how stupid you are, you can't even attempt to play this dumb.

the screenshot tells the tale. you plagiarize propaganda from racial hate sites.
I don't know about niggermania. But did you know that black men are far more likely to rape a woman, as opposed to white men raping a black woman? Why do you suppose that is? Does it have something to do with poverty rate?
The crime of rape is more about power than sex, so that would make sense.
again, how are we supposed to believe that?

your post here was the exact same post that i screenshotted from your favorite site.

you're stupid. i buy that. but no matter how stupid you are, you can't even attempt to play this dumb.

the screenshot tells the tale. you plagiarize propaganda from racial hate sites.


Help me understand the correlation between poverty and black on white rape statistics?
Does rape help people eat? No
Does rape put money in your pocket? Probably not
Does rape help you get a promotion at work? I doubt it
wow, you are hopelessly stupid.

here is what that statistic means.

a black person walks down the street and passes 100 people. on average, about 57 of them will be white. it should be higher based on population shares alone, but we have to factor in de facto segregation.

a white person walks down the street and passes 100 people. on average, about 3 of them will be black. again, it should be higher, but de facto segregation exists.

now look at the numbers of violent crimes. 1.2 million committed by black people, over 3 million committed by whites.

given a 57% chance that the victim of a black crime is white, we'd expect to see about 690,000 black on white crimes. but only 614,000 or so occurred.

given a 3% chance that the victim of a white crime is black, we'd expect to see about 93000 white on black crimes. but instead, there were over 135,000 white on black violent crimes.

that means that black svictimize whites at a rate less than even random chance would predict.

on the other hand, whites victimize blacks at 150% the rate that random chance would predict.

turns out it is white people who are the interracial offenders.

and you are hopelessly stupid.
I understand what you're saying it means. And if crime was random (like I say) those statistics would pan out.

But your position is crime isn't random. White people target the black people. If white people were targeting blacks then each black would have 77 or so possible attackers and couldn't survive an evening out.

Instead crime rates of whites look random.
But your position is crime isn't random. White people target the black people. If white people were targeting blacks then each black would have 77 or so possible attackers and couldn't survive an evening out.

the stats bear out that whites target blacks at a rate 50% greater than random chance would predict. you can deal with that any way you have to. if it means you need to go out and suck dick for heroin, then do it.

as far as surviving an evening out goes, there are 40 million black people in the nation, and about 150,000 attacks on black people by whites.

i'd say you can do the math, but i doubt you can even tie your own shoes.

reading your timeshare script verbatim to cold calls is about all you are capable of.
Well you need money to immigrate here, or have a skilled profession lined up. I will wager to guess most Chinese who come here did not come illegally (although some did) and even if you did it costs a lot to come illegally. Its not cheap to cross the ocean.

They build family networks sometimes to loan money to each other to build businesses. This works cause they often have money when they get here.

They have degrees when they come here and then sponsor their less well off family but this family gets to draw on the knowledge of the person with the advanced degree/skillset. This is called social capital.

They arent so poor their kids have to work which takes away from their schooling. They money they come with gives them a big leg up. Not to mention they have the immigrant mentality, that means they came here driven and with the necessary skill sets to make it and survive. Black people are the descendants of people brought here against their will and still discriminated against.

Other asian nationalities sometimes face the same outcomes poor immigrants do. Here where I live we have viet gangs, like violent ones. There was a driveby that killed one viet gang member recently. Caught another with a AK47. They have dropouts, drug dealers, and bums like the rest of us. 3 guys recently escaped from jail and 2/3 were asian. The people going through my trash looking for plastic bottles to recycle for money have nearly always been vietnamese people too. I hope this doesnt come off as like im talking smack on them. I'm not, I am just saying that people pushing the model minority myth are wrong. Yeah its anecdotal evidence but the way people on here talk about "well (insert x asian nationality) immigrants made it here so why cant black people?" makes its seem like all asians are ballin. It really differs and its part of the reason why according to some of my viet friends their parents hate chinese people among other reasons.

Vietnamese value education just as much but they tend to be much poorer because they came via refugee status through the war and those that came didnt have skills/advanced degrees in the same numbers as did chinese. They have similiar socio-economic status as hispanics sometimes here in socal. Not always but they live side by side and so it makes sense. When I see better off asians they are nearly always chinese/korean.

The cambodians/laotians are similiar to the vietnamese. Its also like how African Immigrants from Nigeria tend to be super educated and sometimes rich and they do very well here.

This is not to same its not entirely out of the hands of black/brown people. I think our cultures could adopt some things from them like loaning money within the community but it kind of does happen with Latino culture and they are relatively a successful immigrant group.

So yeah I dont think you can really simply reduce Chinese success in the US to "its their culture and they are smarter" when they have some legs up on even native born people and their income levels reflect that.

Source: sociology class, so this is by no means exhaustive or even 100 percent correct but its the gist of a class I took.

I am asian, and I've also studied this in depth. I think the best answer is from the fact that migrating to America is really, really difficult if you're oriental asian, and involves a huge commitment of resources and time. In 2016, there were 260,000 Chinese immigrants who filed applications to enter the USA, competing for approximately 25,000 legal spots. This means that the US embassy can afford to allow in only the cream of the crop - the best educated, most successful, and wealthy Chinese are the ones that have the best chances of getting in.

Secondly, there aren't many alternative routes to get into the US from China/Japan/Asia aside from legal ones. They can't exactly smuggle themselves through a few hundred miles of desert along the southern border. Illegal immigration from China is a long, expensive, and extremely dangerous endeavor generally involving extended trips at sea, and most average Chinese people can't afford it, even if they want to come.

So when immigration is limited almost exclusively to legal avenues, and the vast majority of legal immigrants are carefully screened to be the smartest, wealthiest, and most successful applicants from their country... I think it makes perfect sense that they have an easier time assimilating than most and are such a model minority. Chinese immigrants are far more likely to be educated, are far more likely to have insurance, are far more likely to pay their taxes, and are far more likely to avoid trouble with the law than Hispanic or Black minorities.

If the USA shared a border with a particularly poor and lawless part of China, like we do with Mexico, I think we'd have a lot of people hating on illegal Chinese immigrants too as they pour through the border and look for a place to settle down.

tl;dr We have a good time with Asia because we're only allowing Asian yuppies in. The trip from Asia to the shores of America is also much more difficult and expensive, so even their illegal immigrants have to be relatively wealthy in order to afford it. We're having a much worse time with Hispanics because we didn't get to pick and choose only their well-educated, successful elite. Both their poorest refugees and their most dangerous criminals have a fairly easy time moving over the US border - the border patrol can't be everywhere at once, and there are hundreds of miles of desert to cover.

U/Socrates115 answers the often asked ( and charged) question as to why Asian immigrants are (perceived to be) more successful than blacks
the stats bear out that whites target blacks at a rate 50% greater than random chance would predict. you can deal with that any way you have to. if it means you need to go out and suck dick for heroin, then do it.

as far as surviving an evening out goes, there are 40 million black people in the nation, and about 150,000 attacks on black people by whites.

i'd say you can do the math, but i doubt you can even tie your own shoes.

reading your timeshare script verbatim to cold calls is about all you are capable of.
We don't have a script and I don't use a phone. But anyway,

If whites targeted blacks as you claim then blacks would be surrounded by their attackers all the time. Each black person neoprene be exposed to large numbers of people who seek to fuck him over on a regular basis.