I'm considering moving to the Philippines

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Im not mad at you or dank...just a little dissappointed in both of them.
Like what happened to Damien?
Relax and let the young people travel the same awkward paths us elders did. I see no reason to think this is a disaster. It may become a mistep. Did I tell you about my friend? It's way back early in this thread where I described his online phillipina fling. He has spent tens of thousands on this girl. Is it sketchy? Hell yeah! But, he's like 47-48. If he wants to spend all his money on a girl overseas he video chats with. Well. He's is old enough and it's his money. So, I hope she is being honest with him about her medical issues and he is genuinely helping her out. If it's sketchy. He finds out she took advantage of him. I'll just be all like man. I'm sorry. ODs situation is much less sketchy.

Let's just hope for the best. I hope you are doing well also. :rolleyes:

Did you ever get that crossbow?
Fuck it....
YOUVE convinced me!
Let the plot thicken
I think I should do a documentary about your life
Do you remember the time you told me that I would not be a good grower in Colorado well I'm killing it!! This came from you, the one who killed a crop because you were to lazy to water. All I ever see is You worshipping Pinworm and talking shit.

Maybe you should take a look at that
Relax and let the young people travel the same awkward paths us elders did. I see no reason to think this is a disaster. It may become a mistep. Did I tell you about my friend? It's way back early in this thread where I described his online phillipina fling. He has spent tens of thousands on this girl. Is it sketchy? Hell yeah! But, he's like 47-48. If he wants to spend all his money on a girl overseas he video chats with. Well. He's is old enough and it's his money. So, I hope she is being honest with him about her medical issues and he is genuinely helping her out. If it's sketchy. He finds out she took advantage of him. I'll just be all like man. I'm sorry. ODs situation is much less sketchy.

Let's just hope for the best. I hope you are doing well also. :rolleyes:

Did you ever get that crossbow?
I hear ya bro but damn...this will be an expensive lesson, I dig odanksta...hate to see him have a major setback when he just arrived to the biggest opportunity state of his life.
Do you remember the time you told me that I would not be a good grower in Colorado well I'm killing it!! This came from you, the one who killed a crop because you were to lazy to water. All I ever see is worshipping Pinworm and talking shit.

Maybe you take a look at that
ok so you are attacking me now...I get it..I do
But i never killed a crop ever...not sure where you get your info from...but I have my suspicions.
Yeah it's called 14K in basement
Ummm I just bought 45 acres... next month will be 4yrs here....pretty on track for a 5 yr plan yeah?
Seems like Dia is moist for ODank and it's driving her insane to see him lust after another...

The twot thickens...

GIF actually taken from RIU. @greasemonkeymann lol. Purrfect!
You did call me an idiot.. And nobody is trying to measure dicks here. And yes you posted you forgot to water and lost an indoor run.

But you did say to me that I wouldn't make it here.. I'm doing the exact same methods but "improved" that I did in Texas..

Dia when comes down to it you have always had a problem with me because I get along with everyone here. Your group tends to only like members that like or hate the same members as y'all.

I'm not about the bullshit.
please quote where i lost a indoor run...only plants I didnt water last year very well and when it frosted and died, was in my garden(veggies). If i watered better they most likely would have lived threw the frost.But im a one man show and I spread myself to thin sometimes..
The only problem Ive had with you is your silly threads about your life...many a times I have yelled out "WHAT THE FUCK" when reading them. I think you're a good guy but just keep ramming yourself into the wall and then wonder where it all went wrong... I dont hate you...there is no group, only people that enjoy the lol's. Anything else Im a dick about other then my honesty?
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