Former KKK Grand Dragon Explains Why Racists Like Trump

Yeah, but with respect, and I do respect you, you're judging all white people by saying that we all judge you. I wouldn't look at you different if you were fucking green. Like, you're doing the same thing that it seems you're upset about. Doesn't seem like a good fix at all, man.
The only difference is, my judging is reactionary. Also with all due respect, I'm actually kind of tired of being told that I have to meet you (not you specifically, white people in general) half way when I'm the one who's been discriminated against since the founding of this country. I've been told my entire life that I have to act a certain way to be accepted by white people. Does that seem fair to you?
The only difference is, my judging is reactionary. Also with all due respect, I'm actually kind of tired of being told that I have to meet you (not you specifically, white people in general) half way when I'm the one who's been discriminated against since the founding of this country. I've been told my entire life that I have to act a certain way to be accepted by white people. Does that seem fair to you?
By acting white you took the bone out of your lip and discovered fire?
The only difference is, my judging is reactionary. Also with all due respect, I'm actually kind of tired of being told that I have to meet you (not you specifically, white people in general) half way when I'm the one who's been discriminated against since the founding of this country. I've been told my entire life that I have to act a certain way to be accepted by white people. Does that seem fair to you?

If you substitute the word "society" for "white people", it gives a pretty good description what takes place in my world.
The only difference is, my judging is reactionary. Also with all due respect, I'm actually kind of tired of being told that I have to meet you (not you specifically, white people in general) half way when I'm the one who's been discriminated against since the founding of this country. I've been told my entire life that I have to act a certain way to be accepted by white people. Does that seem fair to you?

okay..i have something to say about this.

i'm tired of the 'black chip' for shit i (or my family) never dad's side is eastern european and came to this country through ellis island not knowing the language or having any family here during hitler's storm through europe and were lucky to get out alive. my mom's side is danish/scandanavian and came to america at turn of the 20th century..none of us were here since the founding of this country..neither were you.

i've been discriminated against and made to feel unwelcome as the only white person in a group where everyone else is black..just because you are white does not mean we have a card to 'pass go and collect $200'..we are all not wealthy..we don't all live in a gated community.

i feel for the struggle, but i abhor reverse discrimination and that is very real, too.

just live your don't need to be accepted by anyone BUT yourself. is en vogue in case you haven't noticed.
okay..i have something to say about this.

i'm tired of the 'black chip' for shit i (or my family) never dad's side is eastern european and came to this country through ellis island not knowing the language or having any family here during hitler's storm through europe and were lucky to get out alive. my mom's side is danish/scandanavian and came to america at turn of the 20th century..none of us were here since the founding of this country..neither were you.

i've been discriminated against and made to feel unwelcome as the only white person in a group where everyone else is black..just because you are white does not mean we have a card to 'pass go and collect $200'..we are all not wealthy..we don't all live in a gated community.

i feel for the struggle, but i abhor reverse discrimination and that is very real, too.

just live your don't need to be accepted by anyone BUT yourself. is en vogue in case you haven't noticed.
Good for you. You obviously have no idea how the this works. Bernie will make everything OK though, so don't worry about it.
Good for you. You obviously have no idea how the this works. Bernie will make everything OK though, so don't worry about it.

:shock:whoa, dude.

thank you for the 'black chip on your shoulder' answer..trying to understand anothers' perspective.

very telling and precisely what i meant..jus' sayin'.
I'm Irish. Look up bloody Sunday.

My people were killed for having the last name McLaughlin.

I'm not racist, but you have to learn how to get over.

White people (european) call my people savages. And believe that we were unable to learn.

How has the white man held you down @bearkat42? You seem to be doing great despite oppression.