Soiless medium considered hydro or soil?

I stay green. You don't like balanced. What are the ratios you are talking then ?
From about a week after germ to week 3.5 of flower i run 5-2-6 (canna vega 2 part) 3.5-5.5 of flower i run 4-3-8 (canna flores 2 part). Then for one week i boost with their 0-12-13. It probably jacks the npk to 4-7-12 or something. Then back to the 4-3-8 till chop. Heres a good example for ya dave, this plant never lost a leaf. This is its chop date, day 59. The one next to it is a shitbird sativa that was a one and done. It had more seasonal leaf drop and thats more typical of how plants finnish out, but the green leaves are still very green and theres no yellowing or browning of the sugar leaves in the buds. Ya know those ones that you have to trim out or they look like shit? The only time i see those while trimming is when the bloom foods get introduced the day bloom starts. But shit man, this plant never lost one leaf, and also never once had runoff. Soiless, low feeding, and paying attention to the color of the plant. And it yeilded five oz of rock hard huge stinky nugs. ;) image.png
Continued yellowing even after a heavier feeding. Decided to test my meter. Viola! Temp was off by 6 degrees and oh by 2+! I was having to us ph down to get it at 6.5 so I probably had 4.5 in reality. image.jpeg image.jpeg Got that straightened out and mixed up a fresh batch and ph'd at 6.4. Hopefully she will regroup for me and green back up.
Promix is Coco, I believe, which is Hydro. If you do organic and coco together, you have more leeway with your pH. Usually, you just have to stay between 6-7. Otherwise, synth hydro is 5.2-5.8 and soil is 6.0-6.8.
Thanks everybody for all the info! Way more than I've come across in the last few years. It's amazing how nearly all problems come down to ph. Guess it's time to drop some dough on a high quality meter that will last. This one is a year old and now I don't trust it. I'll probably check it every time I use it now cause I'll be all ocd.
Thanks everybody for all the info! Way more than I've come across in the last few years. It's amazing how nearly all problems come down to ph. Guess it's time to drop some dough on a high quality meter that will last. This one is a year old and now I don't trust it. I'll probably check it every time I use it now cause I'll be all ocd.

Try an all-organic grow. If you want to do it on the cheap, get the Nature's Care organic line. That's what I use. The soilless mix is a mixture of coco coir, yucca, and sphagnum. A little bit of forest product, as well.
can I ask why distilled? Wouldn't RO be better? Also, wouldn't the ph of any water affect the ph of the medium?
Actually both are wrong. Its supposed to be deionized water but distilled will work.

Distilled water doesn't have a pH. There is nothing in it.

You mix an equal part water to medium and let sit then test pH. If you try to test run off pH you will be chasing your tail.
With synth grows, the pH has to be adjusted so the roots can take up the salt-based nutes into the rhizosphere. With organics, bacteria/microbes eat organic matter and excrete/shit out material immediately available to the roots. There's also a higher burn threshold with organic.

Synth = Force feed the plant.
Organic = Feed the soil to feed the plant.
With synth grows, the pH has to be adjusted so the roots can take up the salt-based nutes into the rhizosphere. With organics, bacteria/microbes eat organic matter and excrete/shit out material immediately available to the roots. There's also a higher burn threshold with organic.

Synth = Force feed the plant.
Organic = Feed the soil to feed the plant.
I guessed you missed all the posts from promix users who have nevered PHed or had the need to. You bias is showing.
From about a week after germ to week 3.5 of flower i run 5-2-6 (canna vega 2 part) 3.5-5.5 of flower i run 4-3-8 (canna flores 2 part). Then for one week i boost with their 0-12-13. It probably jacks the npk to 4-7-12 or something. Then back to the 4-3-8 till chop. Heres a good example for ya dave, this plant never lost a leaf. This is its chop date, day 59. The one next to it is a shitbird sativa that was a one and done. It had more seasonal leaf drop and thats more typical of how plants finnish out, but the green leaves are still very green and theres no yellowing or browning of the sugar leaves in the buds. Ya know those ones that you have to trim out or they look like shit? The only time i see those while trimming is when the bloom foods get introduced the day bloom starts. But shit man, this plant never lost one leaf, and also never once had runoff. Soiless, low feeding, and paying attention to the color of the plant. And it yeilded five oz of rock hard huge stinky nugs. ;) View attachment 3642061
Thx. 5 zips though? Those buds MUST be dense. ;)
Here is a question ive been asking for some time and havent really gotten a straight answer. Ive been growing soiless from day one using Promix HP and shit tons of perilite. Ive mostly done trial and error and have had good results with one strain (pennywise) but have had issues with others. With pennywise i was PHing at around 6.8 to 7 and could feed HEAVY every time i watered. With the last couple strains ive gotten nute burn and deficiencies. Now with my current grow of Alien OG its starting to yellow at week 2 of flower. Im feeding at 450ppm of Veg&bloom with another 100ppm of PK booster. Also add calmag. PHing at 6.5 since it germed. I have a gut feeling its all related to PH. This chart has me thinking i should be using a hydro PH of around 5.5. Havent seen too many people using my medium otherwise id ask them directly.

you tried some of the foam`s they sell as a soil less medium ? I like white PU foam`s over coco peat but end up using the peat as the blocks take up less space and its cheaper, but fytocell is better for sure if you can afford it, also they sell some "euro foam" and I`ve been considering making my own PU foam but not looked into that much yet

Kinda just tempted to use expanding foam out of a can but I think that might be toxic ? lol
And now.......a stress free Saturday afternoon!View attachment 3642100

yeah man

My back solo tastes best on 4 but my silver one you have to pump upto 5 to get the same taste out of

have you tried the "extreme" and "turbo" stems they make ? also the gog 18.8mm adaptor so you can put it on a water pipe is cool

but I`ve been playing with an SSV lately, there nice too even nicer than my plenty actually both give my digital heat gun a run for best vape, too bad the heatgun was way way cheaper than almost anything else I`ve ever used to vape with... lol
yeah man

My back solo tastes best on 4 but my silver one you have to pump upto 5 to get the same taste out of

have you tried the "extreme" and "turbo" stems they make ? also the gog 18.8mm adaptor so you can put it on a water pipe is cool

but I`ve been playing with an SSV lately, there nice too even nicer than my plenty actually both give my digital heat gun a run for best vape, too bad the heatgun was way way cheaper than almost anything else I`ve ever used to vape with... lol
Yeah I've got a planet vape stem and a 14mm gog adapter. Works good with a little bubbler. I could use a new battery. I have to charge after every use now. Lasted almost 5 years tho. I also have a pax2 for the pocket. I like the solo better.