Ttystikk's vertical goodness

First, I use:
3 grams calcium nitrate
2 grams of the 5-12-26 mix
2 grams Epsom salt
2 grams calcium nitrate
2 grams of the 5-12-26 mix
2 grams Epsom salt
.25 gram MKP

Second; mix your calcium nitrate in a separate pail and put it in your system separately from the rest. Put a half gallon of hot water in a pail, then add the rest of the ingredients list while stirring constantly. Be sure all crystals dissolve, that's the reason for hot water. Then add this to the system.

Don't fill your res up all the way, because you'll want to maintain a given EC. Top up using your EC meter, so you get the nutrient strength you need. As an example, I run 100x of the above recipes, but I never add in 100 gallons, I generally start with 70. This way, I can still add the right amount of water to achieve the relatively high EC I run in my room.

LAST, measure and adjust pH.

Thanks a ton man!
I'm no spring chicken, myself. But this isn't just about making money and smoking weed, it's my passion. If I'm still breathing, I'll still be trying to be passionate about something.

Spring chicken, I don't even remember those days.
I am not sure how many for profit growers come around here, oh sure you see the occasional large grow but most of what I see is the for personal use grower here, as I am, medical and recreational.
I started growing again when I got the shit beat out of me and robbed during a buy. I said fuckit, I am either going to get killed or kill someone so I stop buying and started growing. I did get my shit back from the fuckers and they got some payback but as I said, "get killed or kill someone" and I am not into either.
Oh and growing has become a passion and a damn good hobby.
The Current State of Cannabis in Colorado;

Yesterday I visited a 200 light commercial indoor growing facility in Denver. Fascinating stuff, they were using mostly Gavita DE in bloom, over coco perlite in smart pots. They had ebb n flood tables but they were only used to catch runoff. They do not recycle the substrate, nor do they treat their runoff.

Half the facility was small rooms, 10-12 lights. 3x6 trays down both sides, Scrog, train train train. 20-30 lbs per room/12 gavitas.

The other half was 10 Pods, or shipping containers, 5 across and attacked two layers high. The second level had a staircase and wide balcony. Each of these had a dozen Gavita 600-750W lights inside, they were pulling close to the same weight. They were having HVAC problems though, one of these pods kicked off the minisplit cooling it but the high temp cutoff didn't shit of the lights. It went to 130f inside and they're afraid they'll have to trash the run.

They don't like doing that because the state enforcement agency asks a lot of questions about why plants are getting thrown away, to make sure diversions don't happen. The commercial facilities are growing the way they do often because they're forced to under the current regulatory regime rather than for any other reason.

They just had a few people doing all the work, not bad for a facility producing several million dollars worth of product a year. Those workers start at $12 an hour, too. No shortage of people who want into the industry!
Between these, my other wanderings and what I'm doing back here at the ranch, I feel like I'm pretty up to speed on how Colorado grows the weed!

I think your about to change how Colorado grows weed!
I understand completely! This has become my passion also and it feeds my unending curiosity and desire to learn. And my desire is to get more Cannabis to those in need of it as medicine, at the lowest possible cost. I'm watching developments in a nearby state in hopes of starting a non-profit company to supply seed and grow needs at minimal cost.

I'm no spring chicken, myself. But this isn't just about making money and smoking weed, it's my passion. If I'm still breathing, I'll still be trying to be passionate about something.
Spring chicken, I don't even remember those days.
I am not sure how many for profit growers come around here, oh sure you see the occasional large grow but most of what I see is the for personal use grower here, as I am, medical and recreational.
I started growing again when I got the shit beat out of me and robbed during a buy. I said fuckit, I am either going to get killed or kill someone so I stop buying and started growing. I did get my shit back from the fuckers and they got some payback but as I said, "get killed or kill someone" and I am not into either.
Oh and growing has become a passion and a damn good hobby.

I've been robbed once or twice. Never a good feeling. I work with people I trust and with whom there is a mutual bond of friendship and respect.