Ttystikk's vertical goodness

Late for the party but hope I can hang with you here.
Just getting n2 the vert grow biz. Do to the heat where I grow I will start this late summer when temp are going to begin falling.
And because we're Americans, I suppose we should apologize also for the many wars WE didn't cause, or saved your asses from, but hey, we know we are the root of all evil in the world. So, we should just mind our own business! And stop sending all the food, 100's of BILLIONS of dollars in aide, and medical assistance we currently give as surely that is evil too!

So whoever you are and where ever you live, bask in your innocence, for surely you've caused no harm in this world..........

Your outrage is quite unbecoming considering your actual lack of innocence!
QUOTE:"Rant over for me. Lets leave politics out of growing haha"

I agree with you, sorry about that, we're dicks. Humble apologies from the people who oppose those stupid wars.
And because we're Americans, I suppose we should apologize also for the many wars WE didn't cause, or saved your asses from, but hey, we know we are the root of all evil in the world. So, we should just mind our own business! And stop sending all the food, 100's of BILLIONS of dollars in aide, and medical assistance we currently give as surely that is evil too!

So whoever you are and where ever you live, bask in your innocence, for surely you've caused no harm in this world..........

Your outrage is quite unbecoming considering your actual lack of innocence!

Its easy to disguise corporate greed as charity and assistance.... Looks like they fooled you!
Where did I say we didn't? Personally, we should let the whole Middle East have at it on their own. BUT, what happens when one of them gets and USES a nuke? I'm becoming a protectionist as I'd love to see what happened if we did! Let that cesspool of hate and megalomania destroy itself! I'm against foreign aide for military purposes and so are most Americans. All that money we hand out to others should be spent AT HOME for the good of OUR people! Then, what's left we can share.

We give billions in weapons to regimes like Saudi Arabia...yeah how nice of us....
Come on guys we have a politics section for a reason. Opinions are like butt holes, we all have one. Some stink.

Let's leave it in the politics section.
3 little girls sittin on the porch ,,,,,

1st little girl says , my instincts tell me that I am gonna grow up and be a famous movie star

2nd little girls says , my instincts tell me I will be married and have 2 beautiful children

3rd little girl says , my end stinks too but it doesn't tell me anything