2016 even hotter than 2015 and 2014

obama has not added a penny to the debt. all the debt being accumulate is the fault of the guy before him, who inherited a surplus and left the largest deficit of all time.

bush inherited that surplus from clinton, the other democrat that did not add a penny to ronald reagan's debt.

all obama has done is to prevent trillions of dollars from being added to the debt, since he has cut the deficit by over a trillion dollars per year.

not his fault that george w bush created a $1.539 trillion dollar annual deficit.
Because giving a subsidy to millions of Americans to pay for their health insurance through Obamacare won't cost us a penny.
That's a very superficial answer.

So the current spike that isn't much bigger than any of the other very recent ones is all man's fault.

But those other recent ones aren't random. They're the result of random events. Huge volcano pops off, random event, co2 spikes 130k years ago.

Idk if it was a volcano or what but it certinlty wasn't suvs burning fossil fuels.
Nope, not volcano for the recent spike in CO2. Dumbass

You should have stuck with Idk

Nope, not volcano for the recent spike in CO2. Dumbass

You should have stuck with Idk

When I said recent spikes, you should have noticed I didn't say "current spike."

When we're talking about the earth, a few hundred THOUSAND years is very recent.

In human terms, the most recent spike before the current one has a very rapid peak from the base line (just like current) yet it predates human technology, if not the modern human species.

I said it was random becuase it obviously wasn't man made. Volcanic, natural cycle, I'm not sure.

But what isn't random is that every hundred to one hundred fifth thousand years we have a spike.
When I said recent spikes, you should have noticed I didn't say "current spike."

When we're talking about the earth, a few hundred THOUSAND years is very recent.

In human terms, the most recent spike before the current one has a very rapid peak from the base line (just like current) yet it predates human technology, if not the modern human species.

I said it was random becuase it obviously wasn't man made. Volcanic, natural cycle, I'm not sure.

But what isn't random is that every hundred to one hundred fifth thousand years we have a spike.

We sure do. Spikes that never got anywhere near as high as the current one.

Funny how you like to jump back and forth between time scales whenever it suits your purpose to do so. It gains you no credibility, however.

Answer me this, Mr Climate Doubting Thomas; how could mankind burn BILLIONS OF BARRELS of fossil fuels every year and have it NOT show up as climate change?

This should be good, lol
We sure do. Spikes that never got anywhere near as high as the current one.

Funny how you like to jump back and forth between time scales whenever it suits your purpose to do so. It gains you no credibility, however.

Answer me this, Mr Climate Doubting Thomas; how could mankind burn BILLIONS OF BARRELS of fossil fuels every year and have it NOT show up as climate change?

This should be good, lol
Shown me where I've doubted it?

I've never said it isn't happening.

I'm pointing some things out. Everyone keeps saying co2 is much highee now than ever before. Then they post graphs of the earth's co2 history showing the previous peaks at about the same level as current peaks.

There wasn't fossil fuels back then.

I'm just wondering how our fossil fuel burning today caused co2 to climb that high 150k years ago.
health care costs have gone up at the slowest rate ever under obama.

and he has not added a penny to the debt or deficit.

Not true. Obama care results in essentially what is a tax credit to folks with low and medium income who buy health insurance from the marketplace.

Without obamacare that money would not be credited back and would go towards the revenue which could then be applied toward the debt.

Any accounting trick to obscure this realty is form over substance.

Reduction in revenue is the same thing as an addition of debt on a balance sheet.
Not true. Obama care results in essentially what is a tax credit to folks with low and medium income who buy health insurance from the marketplace.

Without obamacare that money would not be credited back and would go towards the revenue which could then be applied toward the debt.

Any accounting trick to obscure this realty is form over substance.

Reduction in revenue is the same thing as an addition of debt on a balance sheet.
People are getting access to subsidized healthcare and the deficit is down. This would continue when Hillary gets into office. Trump or Cruz would eliminate the healthcare benefit and more that any other citizen in the first world has access to, all the while raise the deficit with tax cuts. You prefer that? My god you are dumb
Not true. Obama care results in essentially what is a tax credit to folks with low and medium income who buy health insurance from the marketplace.

Without obamacare that money would not be credited back and would go towards the revenue which could then be applied toward the debt.

Any accounting trick to obscure this realty is form over substance.

Reduction in revenue is the same thing as an addition of debt on a balance sheet.

and yet not a penny has been added to the deficit.

quite the opposite, he slashed it by over a trillion dollars.

you should stick to doing heroin and stealing from your family.
Shown me where I've doubted it?

I've never said it isn't happening.

I'm pointing some things out. Everyone keeps saying co2 is much highee now than ever before. Then they post graphs of the earth's co2 history showing the previous peaks at about the same level as current peaks.

There wasn't fossil fuels back then.

I'm just wondering how our fossil fuel burning today caused co2 to climb that high 150k years ago.
I will send you $100 via paypal if you can point to any increase in CO2 levels in the scientific record that that has reached the level we see today (400+PPM) at the same rate or faster (135 years)
I will send you $100 via paypal if you can point to any increase in CO2 levels in the scientific record that that has reached the level we see today (400+PPM) at the same rate or faster (135 years)
All those factors have never been seen together before, at the same time.
All those factors have never been seen together before, at the same time.
I'm pointing some things out. Everyone keeps saying co2 is much highee now than ever before. Then they post graphs of the earth's co2 history showing the previous peaks at about the same level as current peaks.

There wasn't fossil fuels back then.

I'm just wondering how our fossil fuel burning today caused co2 to climb that high 150k years ago.
You're claiming the rise in CO2 levels are natural, except nothing known can increase the CO2 level to 400+ PPM in 135 years
You're claiming the rise in CO2 levels are natural, except nothing known can increase the CO2 level to 400+ PPM in 135 years
The 40 year cycle of politics on climate change:

Year 1) Deny climate is warming at all: Look at teensy bits of data that confirm hypothesis, do nothing
year 10) When climate warms: Claim the warming is random, do nothing
Year 20) When science proves the effects aren't random: Claim warming is not due to human activities, do nothing
Year 30) When science proves warming is due to human activities: Hire scientists that agree with denial, flood airwaves with their hokey stuff, hold meetings
Year 40) When the hired guns are outed as shams: go to step 1
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You're claiming the rise in CO2 levels are natural, except nothing known can increase the CO2 level to 400+ PPM in 135 years
I'm just pointing out obvious weird facts and figures in the data put foward.

There is plenty of times in the recent past co2 has been close to current levels according to the graphs posted.

The graphs also indicated this peak was met in under 1000 years. The graph in this thread being the one.

You crafted exceptionally narrow figures. But if one were to say appx 400 parts per mill, and over very little time.

We'll your own graphs show several recently. It doesn't look like humans are altering it that much
I'm just pointing out obvious weird facts and figures in the data put foward.

There is plenty of times in the recent past co2 has been close to current levels according to the graphs posted.

The graphs also indicated this peak was met in under 1000 years. The graph in this thread being the one.

You crafted exceptionally narrow figures. But if one were to say appx 400 parts per mill, and over very little time.

We'll your own graphs show several recently. It doesn't look like humans are altering it that much

CO2 hasn't been at 400 PPM for 650,000+ years. what the fuck are you talking about?
There is plenty of times in the recent past co2 has been close to current levels according to the graphs posted.

The graphs also indicated this peak was met in under 1000 years. The graph in this thread being the one.
When has CO2 PPM risen above 400 in less than 200 years? What graph?

We know nothing natural can make that happen

We know adding CO2 by burning fossil fuels can make that happen
yeah, maybe this is just a natural cycle.


every 400,000 years or so, CO2 just randomly spikes to 400 PPM for no reason, and has nothing to do with human activities which pump CO2 into the atmosphere.

This graph.

It clearly shows natural peaks of co2 going from a low baseline to high peaks. That seems to be a natural cycle.

We seem to be at another natural peak right now.

That is done with the earth's natural co2 production.

The timing has been bad. Because right at the point where we come along and get advanced to the point we are with our high emissions, we add to this natural peak.

Going to an all time recent high.

It has been much higher in the far past than it is even today.

This graph.

It clearly shows natural peaks of co2 going from a low baseline to high peaks. That seems to be a natural cycle.

We seem to be at another natural peak right now.

That is done with the earth's natural co2 production.

The timing has been bad. Because right at the point where we come along and get advanced to the point we are with our high emissions, we add to this natural peak.

Going to an all time recent high.

It has been much higher in the far past than it is even today.
In the graph you referenced, the blue line is the natural CO2 cycle, the purple/red line is the added amount of carbon human activity has put into the atmosphere. That is unnatural

Any higher rates of CO2 in the past were natural and they accumulated over tens to hundreds of thousands of years. The unnatural CO2 emitted by us that's responsible for the current warming trend accumulated in less than 200 years