Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 71 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 122 59.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 12 5.9%

  • Total voters
Couldn't someone of a different religion than you say the same thing to you though? There are a million different beliefs out there and you've hedged your bets on one.

**Completly true! Thats why I made my home work friend!
I dont believe in what I beleiev bcz my father or mother had this religion!

I made my own choice!

Your "odds" are no greater than mine friend.

**Yes bcz I have proof!

But reality points to the conclusion that when we die that is pretty much it. Nothing to look forward to but nothing to be afraid of either.

**You dont know about that yet!!

Live a good life and love your fellow man is all we have to do, it works, regardless of religion.
**Thats also true and I like!
Here is the whole debate 4 hours

So prepare your fat dick joint for it loool

And here is a short cut if you dont have this amout of weed loool

I got 47 seconds into the second video. "This bible contains the word of god."
Nope. Sorry. It seems you don't know the definition of proof.

Can you give me any proof that doesn't rely on religious texts?
You know at least watch this video if you wanna shut up any religious guy who believe in God or in those religious books!

This video tills you the scintfic errors, so if you dont wanna watch it so you believe, watch ot only so you have information about the scintific errors :)

Maybe I let u get to see it this way :)!
How so? Can you prove these stories happened? Can you prove Harry Potter didn't happen?
You realize if you could actually prove god exists you'd be given a nobel prize right?

Man thats exactly what I mean!!!!!

You didnt even watch it and you jeudge it already!!!!!

Its no story its no lecture its debate for the ppl who use logic and mind.

Ill go sleep

Doei doei
(bye bye in dutch)
You know at least watch this video if you wanna shut up any religious guy who believe in God or in those religious books!

This video tills you the scintfic errors, so if you dont wanna watch it so you believe, watch ot only so you have information about the scintific errors :)

Maybe I let u get to see it this way :)!

Of course there's going to be scientific errors. Because none of it is real.

If i told you i believe the flying spaghetti monster created the universe and if you don't believe you'll spend an eternity in hell, would you for one second take me seriously?
Of course there's going to be scientific errors. Because none of it is real.

If i told you i believe the flying spaghetti monster created the universe and if you don't believe you'll spend an eternity in hell, would you for one second take me seriously?

Till the 18 century we believed that there is only one plant in that galaxy!

And we believed that the earth is flat!

You got the idea!
Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Planets were named after the roman's imaginary friends thousands of years ago.

I didnt say who named them I sayed that till very short time we believed that we live alone in this galaxy and that the earth is flat,
If any body back then ask YOU specially if the earth is round

I know your answer for sure ( big mosquito bla bla bla harry Potter)

I didnt say who named them I sayed that till very short time we believed that we live alone in this galaxy and that the earth is flat,
If any body back then ask YOU specially if the earth is round

I know your answer for sure ( big mosquito bla bla bla harry Potter)


According to science we are alone in this galaxy.
People didn't actually believe the earth was flat. That's a common misconception.

Nice try tho.