Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

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Well-Known Member
You guys are the shit- Adults that I can learn from and partake candy with even tho were at all different corners of this planet

Im searching for that one, more-than-plenty to handle dragon to domesticate tonight.

One good tackle is all im planning, hoping that it petrifies my ass for a good 4-8 hours

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Well-Known Member
i think going outside on the peak of shrooms is impossible not to have a spiritual connection of some sort, never stay inside the entire time! can't to wait to trip this weekend gonna be fucking amazing
Shit I can't stay inside on shrooms my daughter bugs me the fuck out. Lol, But I got a pretty nice view and nice trails even found a cave today the nicest one yet. I just like to wander around the woods and keeping an eye out for mushrooms found some chicken of the woods last year just they died before I knew for sure and a whole bunch of chaga some medicinal mushroom that grows mostly on birch has more antioxidants than anything else.

Just got to get on growing some more shrooms. I am going to try growing a bunch of edible mushrooms and all I got plenty land to fuck with and people pay a lot of money for edible mushrooms and if I can grow reishi that's pretty damn good money alone.

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Shit I can't stay inside on shrooms my daughter bugs me the fuck out. Lol, But I got a pretty nice view and nice trails even found a cave today the nicest one yet. I just like to wander around the woods and keeping an eye out for mushrooms found some chicken of the woods last year just they died before I knew for sure and a whole bunch of chaga some medicinal mushroom that grows mostly on birch has more antioxidants than anything else.

Just got to get on growing some more shrooms. I am going to try growing a bunch of edible mushrooms and all I got plenty land to fuck with and people pay a lot of money for edible mushrooms and if I can grow reishi that's pretty damn good money alone.
yeah u don't wanna trip around anybody thats not tripping especially if they're clueless about it, weird vibes all around

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
You guys are the shit- Adults that I can learn from and partake candy with even tho were at all different corners of this planet

Im searching for that one, more-than-plenty to handle dragon to domesticate tonight.

One good tackle is all im planning, hoping that it petrifies my ass for a good 4-8 hours

  • disturbed sleep patterns
  • tightened jaw muscles, grinding teeth (trismus and bruxia)
  • loss of appetite (anorexia), leading to poor nutrition and weight loss with heavy use
  • visual & auditory hallucinations, hearing voices (from sleep deprivation)
  • reduced enjoyment of eating
  • loss of interest in sex, over time
  • itching, welts on skin
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • dry mouth, leading to serious tooth decay with chronic use
  • excessive excitation, hyperactivity
  • shortness of breath
  • moodiness & irritability
  • anxiousness & nervousness
  • aggressiveness
  • panic, suspiciousness, and paranoia
  • involuntary body movements (uncontrollable movement and/or twitches of fingers, facial & body muscles, lip-smaking, tongue protrusion, grimacing, etc.)
  • ego inflation, false sense of confidence and power, ego-inflation
  • aggressive and violent behavior
  • severe depression, suicidal tendencies

  • (likelihood of negative side effects increases with higher doses)
  • desire to do more cocaine
  • (Insufflated) nost-nasal and back of throat drip, numbness
  • dry mouth
  • sensation of throat closing up (insufflated)
  • tolerance, habituation, psychological addiction
  • insomnia
  • emotional lability, rapid changes in mood
  • anxiety, panic
  • annoyance, agitation, anger
  • paranoia, fear
  • tachycardia, feeling over stimulated
  • shaking
although i really like what you said in the first sentence, this shit speaks for itself lol, god makes better shit then man
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Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
i got a fucking sore throat from that coke binge sucks ass even the second day after nothing is worth this especially at that ridiculous price and low purity, so i guess thats when ppl start doing crank
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Well-Known Member
Man wtf i might have lost my good friend today, wish we coulda dragon smoked and talked it all out
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Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
nah aint being dicks just aint enough to go around it kind of set me off cause i've been waiting for months then literately 5 mins later im fine


Well-Known Member
If you're getting low quality coke couldn't you try to wash it with a solvent and evap/extract to purify it a bit? That sucks bro. I guarantee you tho there's cheaper better stuff in your area you just gotta know how to find it. I'm not saying go ask people and shit that would be so weird. But I found my guy who sells the absolute purest
4aco DMT
Sold me my "box of wonders"
The only thing he doesn't have is mescaline. Just my weed is a ton better than his so he buys/trades with me and his prices are cheaper except the lsd :/ I pay 80 for 11 (I buy 10 and he always makes it fat)


Well-Known Member
Hope you find what youre looking for Mr Bong Water

Good advice mikek420, and cool shit being connected with those goodies


Im fucking ready to launch start my rocket but awaiting for crew reinforcement.

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