I'm going to build a Cabin


Well-Known Member
Sweet! Take some pics. What will be your plans for the place you're in now if you get it? Rental?
Yeah. I already rent out the top apartment for $500 and should be able to get atleast $650 for my apartment.

good luck with showing, hope it's what's you're looking for. that weird road scenario will just add character and keep traffic away from your crib! more privacy. fall thru spring are slow times for buyers. i bet there is plenty of interest in the property, even if it's been on the market thru the winter.
Thanks man. Yeah thats what I was thinking also, winter is slow, no one wants to trudge through the snow. Its pretty unique and quasi- private one of the things I've been looking for. It's only 5 minutes from my current house too so not bad commute should I ever, when, I need to fix something here.


Well-Known Member
about 20 years ago i found the perfect property. i was going to buy it when the realtor told me the owner wouldn't sell to me because he smelled booze on my breath...7th day adventist......

If you offer asking price with no contigengy they can't say no.


Well-Known Member
Hi 420g. Check out this film was a book too. One Man's Wilderness. About Dick Proenneke's cabin he hand built. This thing all wood No METAL totally amazing you must see! It's his old 8mm film & journals narrated takes you through his life at Twin Lakes: let me know what you think. Its inspiring
OMG! I saw that like a decade ago! I will see if I can find it tonight and watch it again! Heck I may even order when I have the funds. I remember on thing he said. He had started a fire in the fireplace and said something like its a balmy 42 degrees(don't remember exactly the temp). I was like damn dude that's cold! Awesome vid. Thanks for reminding me.


Well-Known Member
He was 50+ when he started working on the cabin.

Was going to post this very thing @GreatwhiteNorth ! Awesome DVD. @420God if you haven't seen the whole thing Get it! totally worth watching. His cabin is very simple, but extremely well built. He only used the most rudimentary tools too. I always wondered how he lived up there so long without any female company....Unless goats...


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Staff member
Was going to post this very thing @GreatwhiteNorth ! Awesome DVD. @420God if you haven't seen the whole thing Get it! totally worth watching. His cabin is very simple, but extremely well built. He only used the most rudimentary tools too. I always wondered how he lived up there so long without any female company....Unless goats...
No goats there, only Dall's Sheep.

Check your inbox. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Any news?

Yeah went and toured it today. The wife with her better judgement says "No" lol. Pictures are misleading. The lot slopes steeply directly behind the small house and all along the cleared area making the 2acres useless. The 2 streets leading up to it and driveway are steep and narrow and awkward. Couple dying trees in the powerlines.

The bigger house wasn't in terrible shape but you have to walk through the big bedroom to get to the bathroom and then walk past that to get to the smaller bedroom. Weird layout.

The smaller house was 75% gutted to the studs and rafters and the part that wasn't, needed to be. Knob and tube. Hacked off water lines. It was a mess. Literally needs a new everything.

So the search continues.