how to grow mushrooms the easy way

Hey guys, Im a new shroom grower and I have a little problem that I can't find an awnser
i took a cambodian grow kit from Az****us, inoculated it at least 3 weeks ago and put it on a little warming carpet (5w), in a dark place.

some little white grain balls are forming on top, I shake it gently every 4 days to help the colonisation, but a month later, it's about 15% white, seems anormaly long from what I've read ... so, do I just have to wait or is there something going wrong here ?


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Hey guys, Im a new shroom grower and I have a little problem that I can't find an awnser
i took a cambodian grow kit from Az****us, inoculated it at least 3 weeks ago and put it on a little warming carpet (5w), in a dark place.

some little white grain balls are forming on top, I shake it gently every 4 days to help the colonisation, but a month later, it's about 15% white, seems anormaly long from what I've read ... so, do I just have to wait or is there something going wrong here ?
What is the estimated temp of the grow area?
thx for the reply, about 25°C during the day

I may have run the carpet a bit too hot during first days and maybe I've dried a bit the poor thing ... as it's my 1st time, it's hard to tell
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Quick question for Canndo:

Referring back to your procedure - why not leave the lid on the jar while mycelium colonize the coir/verm? This would seem logical as they like co2 and up until this point we've had the lid on to promote growth.
Quick question for Canndo:

Referring back to your procedure - why not leave the lid on the jar while mycelium colonize the coir/verm? This would seem logical as they like co2 and up until this point we've had the lid on to promote growth.
You could mis your pinning window. It could overtake the coco very easily. Believe me. I know.
Quick question for Canndo:

Referring back to your procedure - why not leave the lid on the jar while mycelium colonize the coir/verm? This would seem logical as they like co2 and up until this point we've had the lid on to promote growth.

Try it.
Okay question guys. I birthed my cakes this morning, I cleaned off the top layer of verm and dunked my cakes . Now there is still a bit of verm on the top is this okay ? I'm concerned about it holding contams . Any input would be appreciated
Okay question guys. I birthed my cakes this morning, I cleaned off the top layer of verm and dunked my cakes . Now there is still a bit of verm on the top is this okay ? I'm concerned about it holding contams . Any input would be appreciated

If you're contam free now at birth, I wouldn't worry about it.
One more question. I've got a gage to read humidity in my sgfc but its reading low I really don't think its working right. Is there a way to tell by looking at my container if the humidity is high enough.. There's condensation on all sides and the lid. Which is why I'm assuming my gage isn't working
Condensate won't tell you much because it is an indicator of temperature as much as moisture content.

Sprout has it right as alwaysalways.

If you are at that stage then humisity is important.

Jars such as the one you are working with tend to have a fairly stable microclimate. The predominance of high moisture "wicked" material in your jar will tend to ensure a good humidity in the jar no matter what you dodo.

What tends to happen is that the substrate will give up more liquid than necessary and subsequent flushes will suffer.

Over watering will quickly become evident in the form if liquid in the bottom of the jar.

Of course this can also be a sign of too much heat.

Finally, because you are past casing, you can simply wash your hand and stick your finger in there to see if the casing is dampdamp.

So another question guys.. I know I'm sorry I've tried to look this up but can't find anything. My cakes in my sgfc have started growing around and out of the verm layer . I've noticed that there is tiny blueish specks on a couple cakes. I doubt its contams any ideas? I'd post a picture bt my camera isn't good so its impossible to see.. Could this possibly be the start of a pin before it becomes a pin? Any feedback will be appreciated
Hey guys, Im a new shroom grower and I have a little problem that I can't find an awnser
i took a cambodian grow kit from Az****us, inoculated it at least 3 weeks ago and put it on a little warming carpet (5w), in a dark place.

some little white grain balls are forming on top, I shake it gently every 4 days to help the colonisation, but a month later, it's about 15% white, seems anormaly long from what I've read ... so, do I just have to wait or is there something going wrong here ?
so a week later, very little progress, should I throw it in the kit like it is and hoping that the supplemental humidity will help things, or should I wait till all kernels get covered by mycellium ?
This thread really isn't for pf tech considering it was started as the antithesis of that method.
so a week later, very little progress, should I throw it in the kit like it is and hoping that the supplemental humidity will help things, or should I wait till all kernels get covered by mycellium ?

If you kernels are not at least close to being covered you will get contamination.

What kit? I'm missing something.