Former KKK Grand Dragon Explains Why Racists Like Trump

Hillary gets kisses from the former grand dragon cyclops kleagle of the kkk.

You live on this forum acting out all day and at night which suggests you are another gruntled millennial loser without any income, nothing to be proud of or show ownership for......sucking on some govt. teat, smoking dope wasting your life away.
I'm 45
I dont know about your family specifically. I was more addressing the overall " where privileges come from" comment you made.

I know I for one, cannot speak for all of my ancestors actions. My lineage can only be traced back to my great grandparents and maybe the civil war.
I dont know about your family specifically. I was more addressing the overall " where privileges come from" comment you made.

I know I for one, cannot speak for all of my ancestors actions. My lineage can only be traced back to my great grandparents and maybe the civil war.
My ancestors came to this country in the early 1600s before this was a nation. They helped to build this country in many different ways over the centuries. My ancestors have fought and died in every major conflict in our countries history, helped to build industries, and to this day my family name is still very prominent, especially in the military complex. We earned what we have, nothing was ever given to us, we earned with our blood.
"you and your buddies" Why not simply call them niggers, seeing as that is what you are implying? Just call a spade a spade, right, and stop dicking around.( should be " enjoying the fruits of MY labor" you ignorant cracker)
You weren't supposed to figure that out. That's why cracking the code is so much more fun, because he and people of his ilk really think that they're being clever.
"you and your buddies" Why not simply call them niggers, seeing as that is what you are implying? Just call a spade a spade, right, and stop dicking around.( should be " enjoying the fruits of MY hard work and my ancestors" you ignorant cracker)
If your ancestors were enslaved it was only because they were a weak race or culture who was easily dominated.
You live on this forum acting out all day and at night which suggests you are another gruntled millennial loser without any income, nothing to be proud of or show ownership for......sucking on some govt. teat, smoking dope wasting your life away.
Like you don't? Maybe he grows. like me and does something useful, seemingly unlike you, because all I ever read from your posts are racist, negative, angry posts.(sorry for the comment, having a bad month)
My ancestors were enslaved by the Brits for 400 years, until they got tired of us killing them and ran away 100 years ago next month. Say that shit to an Irishman to his face and see how far that will get you. (lol)
maybe you're talking to someone with Irish blood.