Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Cool, Chesus, summers coming soon. I fired mine up yesterday just to knock the dust off things. Its ready for a pass. As soon as I get the boat ready for shrimping I am going back to Hawaii until june sometime and then come back for the summer and start racing again.

I hope everything goes back together smoothly. nitro
I'm never racing my bike again. Ive got about 10k into this one and I'm going to ride it until I can no longer


Well-Known Member
Elizabeth Warren has a lot of nerve posting about insecurities. It laughable to see a person lie about her ethnicity and heritage to seek acceptance from people and colleges. I wonder if there is a clinical name for that specific type of personality disorder.


Well-Known Member
Mexico makes a push to have their citizens vote in American elections. They believe that Mexico should have the final say in who the next president is... another reason why Trump has so much support. We are tired of being pushed around by Mexico. We need a leader that will stick his foot up their ass, and then twist it sideways.
trump is really bringing out the vote....the Hispanic vote


Well-Known Member
Donald trump is doing such a bang up job...pun intended....that Hillary was flooded with $30.1mil in campaign donations....LAST MONTH! lol


Well-Known Member
trump is really bringing out the vote....the Hispanic vote
I don't understand why they don't get this. 81% of this country I is comprised of POC, women, and young people. trump carries none of these demographics. There just aren't enough angry old white people to elect this man. Let them have their fun though, because I'm enjoying this more than they are.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why they don't get this. 81% of this country I is comprised of POC, women, and young people. trump carries none of these demographics. There just aren't enough angry old white people to elect this man. Let them have their fun though, because I'm enjoying this more than they are.
If there wasn't soooo much at stake, it would be hilarious to watch...


Well-Known Member
No...they are a neighbor
The Mexican consulate is holding workshops for Mexicans to try and stop Trump. It's walking a very fine line, and possibly crosses it. Foreign influence in elections is illegal. It's bad enough they invade our borders by the millions. Most other countries would consider it an act of war.


Well-Known Member
The Mexican consulate is holding workshops for Mexicans to try and stop Trump. It's walking a very fine line, and possibly crosses it. Foreign influence in elections is illegal. It's bad enough they invade our borders by the millions. Most other countries would consider it an act of war.
Foreign consulates are here for that reason. To assist their people assimilate....
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Well-Known Member
He acted in self defense. Sherif Joe will pull some strings and have charges reduced to battery. Assuming he has a clean record, we're looking at maybe probation with some community service.
No he did not act in self defense because - if you had watched the video but your confirmation bias is kicking up something fierce - you would've seen that he was not near the protester, but rather jumped over a couple seats while the protester was being escorted out, sucker punched him for saying Trump was a liar, then stomped on him. Nothing in that scenario says "self defense." So funny to see you call Syrian refugees rapists and murders, other African Americans thugs when the same situation happens, but this one time you see a Trump supporter assault some guy he's acting in self defense from some sort of "white supremacist" who was protesting Trump's race baiting.


Well-Known Member
The workshops are there to assist legal immigrants to apply for US citizenship...
Just now, all of the sudden?

"Mexican diplomats are mobilizing for the first time to assist immigrants in gaining U.S. citizenship, hosting free workshops on naturalization."

It's a campaign to get noncitizens who don't like Trump registered to vote. Mexico using fear to push their agenda on an American election is wrong.


Well-Known Member
No he did not act in self defense because - if you had watched the video but your confirmation bias is kicking up something fierce - you would've seen that he was not near the protester, but rather jumped over a couple seats while the protester was being escorted out, sucker punched him for saying Trump was a liar, then stomped on him. Nothing in that scenario says "self defense." So funny to see you call Syrian refugees rapists and murders, other African Americans thugs when the same situation happens, but this one time you see a Trump supporter assault some guy he's acting in self defense from some sort of "white supremacist" who was protesting Trump's race baiting.
We already went over the beat down yesterday. At this point, it's becoming repetative. BTW I don't use the word "thug".
Rape has become pandemic in countries that accept Syrian refugees. It happens. Plus, you run the risk of bringing in potential terrorists as well.
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