1000 cuttings in 5h18m23s !


Well-Known Member
I had never timed myself before, I usually try to do it pretty quick but today cause the stopwatch was going i think i did it quicker than usual.

Can you do it faster?


Well-Known Member
I had never timed myself before, I usually try to do it pretty quick but today cause the stopwatch was going i think i did it quicker than usual.

Can you do it faster?
That's one cutting every 19 seconds. I call bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Sounds about right, thats how long it should take to take cutting from the cup, dip in hormone and shove into the jiffy.
What the hell are you doing with 1000 cuttings? Are you going to supply North Korea with marijuana?


Well-Known Member
And the people who smoked your stuff probably ain't missing it too much either. :)
oooh. now you should really go away.


sorry I cannot currently host a Pepsi challenge with whatever you are growing with your cheese-hating sausage fingers.

Seriously... no matter how much care and love you put into it, at some points it is a chore. Unless you have two plants in a closet or something like that. Try trimming for 60 hours straight.
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Well-Known Member
oooh. now you should really go away.


sorry I cannot currently host a Pepsi challenge with whatever you are growing with your cheese-hating sausage fingers.
1. I actually like cheese.

2. Growing is not the only thing I could beat you at. I also make really good wine.

3. You're alright Uncle. You and I just got off to a bad start because I was friends with Yessica, and you didn't get along with her. I'll grow on you.


Well-Known Member
oooh. now you should really go away.


sorry I cannot currently host a Pepsi challenge with whatever you are growing with your cheese-hating sausage fingers.

Seriously... not matter how much care and love you put into it, at some points it is a chore. Unless you have two plants in a closet or something like that. Try trimming for 60 hours straight.
Amen, brother. Even a small op like mine is a fucking pita. It's really fun and magical for the first few years, then it becomes a little factory that you're chained to (especially if you're growing perpetually). Still beats the shit out of anything else I could do in terms of pay for hours invested, but the shine is def off the apple...

Also, Zara is a dude...