Sorry to hear how much things have been fighting you bud. Partners are a really complicated thing. I recently had a guy talk to me about it, and I just had to pass because there was to much chance it would fuck up other things I have going. I'll definitely send some positive vibes your way, and hope things go well with getting that house your trying for. You and your family are tough cookies, I know you'll figure this shit out and come out on top.

I will also add, that its really hard not to be jealous when you see others advancing and making big moves. I get jealous of lots of you guys all the time when I see the size of your rooms. I just try to remind myself that size isn't all that matters :), and I need to just be happy for others, and proud to know grows that can pull this stuff off.
Sorry to hear how much things have been fighting you bud. Partners are a really complicated thing. I recently had a guy talk to me about it, and I just had to pass because there was to much chance it would fuck up other things I have going. I'll definitely send some positive vibes your way, and hope things go well with getting that house your trying for. You and your family are tough cookies, I know you'll figure this shit out and come out on top.

I will also add, that its really hard not to be jealous when you see others advancing and making big moves. I get jealous of lots of you guys all the time when I see the size of your rooms. I just try to remind myself that size isn't all that matters :), and I need to just be happy for others, and proud to know grows that can pull this stuff off.
Agreed partners can be the worse which is why I have my brother as a silent partner. He gives me cash at the start of the season and helps with annual labor trimming at the end and gets a share of the buds. Win win for both of us.
No worries doc. It's coming. Take a deep breath from time to time man. :-). I. Mean holy hell. You do a.lot. I love the simplicity of the hoop house. You must have some big space.planned out this year for.outdoor?

BTW. Dropped fb in favor of the blue balz Bob made. I think that was w one of yours he crossed it with?

Take care man
Thanks guys but I should be over it already but the more I look back the more I really feel like a sucker. It was all there but not till after he looked my family in the eye and come on will buy land and you can stay here and we can do a grow its all good. Then after we are there and I have two kids I have to worry about and, have told we are going to be tight for awhile and in the end we will have a place of our own. What we got was told we had to cover the land because he couldn't sell his bud and he would chip in on stuff when his sold. Then he would put anything in but if we got the land he would still want to grow there. Oh but if he has a spot it is his and we can't grow there. Yes no shit! on top of it all he is acking like a dick. So we then had to find a place and at some point when we were getting close to finding a spot I told him I couldn't add any of his bud to my shipment because I was going need the rest of my money for frist , last, and deposit. Then he is like well I guess I need to call my boy in cali. He has been trying to buy it since he left here from trimming. That turned the couldn't sale to wasn't and I fully be leave he wanted us to buy land and he could still have his whole crop left. Mean time i feed his plants got them happy, fixed his dehumidifier, cleaned his garage, had half his light given to him, gave him all the cut's he wanted, built him a greenhouse, dropped trees, and more. I thought I was over it but after it all I helped him make his money, and grow his grow he was willing to write us off that fast just to not have to say I helped him grow better weed. To be honest the past two days sucked and I am more depressed than I have been that I can remember and real shouldn't as it's not like it is the end of the world. Then again it doesn't change the fact I feel like shit. As for my one ace I still had he just bought a $127,000 Corvette so yea not happening right now. Next step is I am calling in every person I know and have never asked many for anything and help most so many times over it is ridicules. Now if after I do my family still is no better off I most likely will have a tuff time with it but I am trying to prepare my self for it. After that it will be down to camping on a lease at best but I will cross that bridge when I get there but right now I just need my head right. Sorry to be a drag but you guys only have seen the shit we have had happen the past couple years but we have been getting fucked out of houses now for about 13 years time after time so it is three days before i turn 35 and I am still getting dicked around. Get where I am at now?
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Plus you think I will ever see anything from any of the deals we had. I won't see the headband and LVPK he was trading my clones for, or for that matter he burned tthe wood is was supposed the get for cutting the trees down will I was still there and one day for real yield at me, because I told him I was am to work on the tree since he was not out yet and I get " that's not what I want you working on. I want the greenhouse worked on. He proceeded to n.a. duck an ass the last day I had to stop and tell him to back the fuck off it. Still let him takevclones I knew he was going to fuck me on. There was a guy he said a year ago he would introduce me to and a year latter the last day I went over there and we talked ( glade telling me he had been mad and fucking us made him feel better) he was asking if I had met him because of a silver tip clone I had found. I said no just a friend of his and he was like. Oh i wanted to know if you still want to meet him. A damn year and had never done the only thing I had ever asked of him.
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I get you doc. And I DO understand the wife and kids thing that adds to weight of responsibility. Especially when they follow you where ever you go having complete faith you will do your part and take care of them. I am right there w ya man.

I want to offer something up though and I don't care who reads or likes it or what... But I've learned a bit about these things in my almost 42yrs on earth.

Friends are great! But... Do not rely on them like you might family. That's not to say there aren't just awesome people you will want to meet and know, but remaining almost entirely autonomous is essential to preserving friendship's. IMO it makes it far easier to stay on more equal footing.

I'm not saying not to do things for people or to rely on others a little bit. I think is a great karmic energy to do things for others but make sure it is what YOU want to do or it will become begrudged (goes both ways in friendship's). Test the waters extremely slowly when relying onsomeone else. (A little rope at a time instead of enough to hang from).

Partnerships almost always end badly. People autonomous, but working together and watching thier own interest also has more lasting results. Never "jump-in" w people you have not vetted for a while.

Hanging on to negative energy is not helping. Trust me... I know thappy.Easy to say right? Lol

BTW. I'm almost 42... We have been in our first owned home for just six months.... Your time is coming man. I was poor as fuck at 35.

Take care brother lots of prayers for you and family to feel settled and happy.
Certainly feel what you are saying dude. Suffice to say I dont keep alot of friends around. As a matter of fact, being here, I can count 1, my wife, 2 and 3 are my 3 and 6 year old kids. Anyway it will get better man, just keep pressing forward. Hell I been out of work for 7 months now, not much cash to show, everyone I asked said they couldnt help, and I dont ask for shit ever, I just give and give and give. Fuck it get it done myself as usual, just like you will likely get it done yourself!.....Sending some good karma your way brother, kick some tunes on, they help
Thanks guys really I will be fine and dont know why it hit me like this the other day but it will be ok. Crazy part is it is not the fist time we have been jerked around helping someone. I Hate to say it but it wont be the last. Every time I say never again but I know it's just a matter of time.
I have the same problem. I refuse to be a dickhead!

I give everybody a chance and then if they fuck up I move on.

I am 54 and it still happens to me.

That is why I love you guys so much. You have a passion for this culture and you don't let anything stop you. With that kind of attitude you will never lose!


:peace: :weed:

I have the same problem. I refuse to be a dickhead!

I give everybody a chance and then if they fuck up I move on.

I am 54 and it still happens to me.

That is why I love you guys so much. You have a passion for this culture and you don't let anything stop you. With that kind of attitude you will never lose!


:peace: :weed:


Truth there Mohican

Hell I am 41, have been broke and back a few times, there again now, but not to worry, things will flip soon. To put things in perspective my wife just started bussing tables at night for 5 bucks for 6 hours, no its actually $4.80 a night, what the fuck eh

Keep moving forward