Couple of questions from a new grower


Active Member
1. Do I need to put anything in the water I am going to give to my plants? (rain water)
2. Does home depot sell a pH tester (with ph up and down)?
3. Should I use bone meal as the only fertalizer?

EDIT: This is for growing outdoors next april or may

Just want to know some stuff before I do anything

Thanks alot! This forum rocks


Well-Known Member
1. Nutrients
2. Not sure... but pet stores do for sure
3. The NPK of bone meal is 4-15-0

Those numbers don't sound good to me. Miracle Grow All Purpose (24-8-6) is great for veg and Miracle Grow Bloom Booster (15-30-15) is great for flowering.


Well-Known Member
miracle grow will kill weed plants do ur research
id never advise any body to buy anything miracle grow, its just not the best choice of soil/nute to buy. but it wont kill your plants! you will kill yr plants! iv seen some not bad grows on here and other and other forums using mg, you do your research mate.


Well-Known Member
blood and or bone can be a bit heavy for canna, just use it sparingly, and you dont need to worry about testing and adjusting water ph in organic soil mate.


Well-Known Member
1. Nutrients
2. Not sure... but pet stores do for sure
3. The NPK of bone meal is 4-15-0

Those numbers don't sound good to me. Miracle Grow All Purpose (24-8-6) is great for veg and Miracle Grow Bloom Booster (15-30-15) is great for flowering.
those npk ratios are a little high, i use 8-2-6 and 2-6-3.5, but if your getting good results why not?


Active Member
oh and one last question what soil should i use? i read it somewhere on here but i forgot and now i cant find it