My plant leaf tips burnt, and the plant is very thin


Growing is a learning curve. You need to do plenty of reading . There's some great growers on here. There is also some misinformation / stoner myths.

Unfortunately you have limited your potential yield with such a thin stem. But hey, you've nothing to lose really. If it were me I'd throw in a few more seeds. There are a good few strains around that are ok with short veg time.
Do you live somewhere it's hard to get seeds?

Yeah i need to know alot of things that I'm missing, i wish though if i had more seeds, i had few only 2 which has grown one has died in day 6 because the soil i guess, and the other one is what you saw in the attached, yeah man I'm here for work and it's too risky to bring the seed with me from home or to order it by online, as the costume here is too strick.


I just looked at your photos and your plant needs more light. She's got some long legs lol. Looks like she's stretching to get to your light. Either move your light closer or get more. Cfls are cheap and will do the trick and don't burn as easily as metal halide. Your first time growing go easy on the nutes. Think of them as a multivitamin. It's easier to burn than get a deficiency.
Yeah the thing is i started growing it with small halide light 50 watts only.

After i modified it to Metal Halide 400 watts, the growing has been resumed and don't well. However i have problem with yhe leaf tips are buring and the stress so i pulled the light distance to 55cm now it seems ok.. By the way i swich the lighting schedule to 18/6


You're overwatering my friend. Watering is important and the most common mistake made by new growers. The soil needs to dry between watering. If it doesn't it can cause problems with root rot, PH balance and bugs. The size of the pot and plant in your pic probably only needs to be watered every 3 or 4 days roughly.
You also have a light issue. They need to be closer or more of them or your plants will stretch. When and if you repot her bury the stem to within a couple inches of the leaves.
Yes my friend i think i had been in overwateing, but since now i will leave it unti the soil got dry thanks though.


You're overwatering my friend. Watering is important and the most common mistake made by new growers. The soil needs to dry between watering. If it doesn't it can cause problems with root rot, PH balance and bugs. The size of the pot and plant in your pic probably only needs to be watered every 3 or 4 days roughly.
You also have a light issue. They need to be closer or more of them or your plants will stretch. When and if you repot her bury the stem to within a couple inches of the leaves.

The problem is when i get the light close to yhe plant, the leafs tips are getting burnt and turning to dieing yellow color.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the thing is i started growing it with small halide light 50 watts only.

After i modified it to Metal Halide 400 watts, the growing has been resumed and don't well. However i have problem with yhe leaf tips are buring and the stress so i pulled the light distance to 55cm now it seems ok.. By the way i swich the lighting schedule to 18/6
Sounds like you got your lighting figured out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thank you for your assistance
However, im just wondering why the tips are burning, and why the plant doesn't seems strong enough?
Burnt tips is nutrient burn. Just water with that root excelurator and then I would say it would be best if you only gave base nutrients every 3rd watering at 1/3 dosage. If your comfortable with that and your plants show lots of new growth bump up the nutrients to 1/3 dosage every other feeding and see how they respond.


Hi guys, thanks for your last time assistance. I would like to tell you that the plant looks better now, I've ordered the bio root simulation and it has cost me around 86$.

I had mixed the solution with water as per the instructions of the usage says. After that i watered it with the mixed solution. Now I'm looking forward to see the results of Bio Root simulation

It looks like over watering is a major problem for the plant now i chenged to water it when the soil gets dry and results are improving.


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