Do y'all happen to be Steelers fans?Thank you so so so much guys! We are working with the fire inspector this morning and trying to find the root of this evil...
I got to the house on my own this morning as my wife and daughter went to visit close family friends in the hospital that just had a baby. During the fire my wife took the day off to go take photos for them till she got a call from me.
Even had a follow up with a reporter calling me to get more info and do a breaking news article that went live last night. The reporter was awesome and even showed support for us and offered kind words to help.
Heres the story:
But on a happy note in the grow world!! My babies went to my neighbor and my brother in law took one. I'm extreamly happy they get to continue on and I hot I get to see and taste them!!
Sorry for your loss, really sucks, does the owner of the home have fire insurance, it may cover you.I'm perfectly alright being exposed. The police and fire had no issues with exposure having my entire grow for the world to see. But the amount of burning weed jokes ran wild and helped me deal.
Sorry if I havn't been able to respond ..moving whats left into a 8 by 10 storage unit. My wife has experienced a previous house fire in life when she was 11 and lost everything. Even her sense of smell!! Not sure how that works but only strong gas type oders or alcohol type mixtures she can sense.
I've been a wreck during this whole thing and shes been my rock. I am still trying to process everything and make the best of it. We lost so much to even water and smoke damage that I stayed moving lifting heavy things and staying out the interior.
We are renters and had I known about renters insurance I would of had that MONTHS ago before even moving in.
I already told SG that unless a mod has issues with it then it was ok for him to post. I posted the link within my own journal but I'll link here. Also wanna say that even if you don't donate just kind words of encouragement and blessing for my family means a lot.
Once again thank you guys for your kind words I really wouldn't know where I would be in my growing skills without you all and the veteran knowledge you guys offer up with no qualms of reciprocation.
Heres the link guys but if its against ToS or something please remove ASAP as I don't want anyone to get in trouble.
In most cases they only insure structure and not contentSorry for your loss, really sucks, does the owner of the home have fire insurance, it may cover you.
This is California, so anything is possible, particularly if it was an issue with infrastructure.In most cases they only insure structure and not content
If it goes to sleep mode it won't come back up. Also has got real slow, I think it has a virusWhat's going on with the PC?
Slow to boot, open programs? Does it run ok once the desktop is up for a bit? What antivirus/malware software you running? How old is the HDD?If it goes to sleep mode it won't come back up. Also has got real slow, I think it has a virus
both my wife and granddaughter do a lot of surfing and gaming.
So I cold booted it just to get it running tonight but it's been getting worse.
Any ideas? I'm computer illiterate so I was going to get one of those cleaner sticks and
see if that helps.