2016 Spring BBQ Sat 4/23

You know what though, all my buddies from the trades who live in hollister pig hunt. I've tried it every single way they would do it up. If you were like me, and like farm raised/store bought pig better, there's no hiding the gamey taste(IMO)
I'm a wussy I know

I've never tasted this "gamey" taste you mention and I both raise pigs to slaughter -- we basically live off pork in the sticks -- and bow hunt wild pigs. Interesting.
Funny thing is one of my plasterer buddies found out I had a ridgeback, and wanted to try him out pig hunting. Yeah fuckin rite I said.
Miss you Loudog!

Something I didn't think about before is I bet you had boar with intact genitals. I hear they aren't very good to eat, particularly the Russian stock and in fact the 3 I have stuck with a broadhead were all feral rather than true wild stock and all very young males in the 60-80 and 100-120 pound range or females. I don't think a 250-300+ pound boar with a big set of testosterone carrying nuts would be very good.
Something I didn't think about before is I bet you had boar with intact genitals. I hear they aren't very good to eat, particularly the Russian stock and in fact the 3 I have stuck with a broadhead were all feral rather than true wild stock and all very young males in the 60-80 and 100-120 pound range or females. I don't think a 250-300+ pound boar with a big set of testosterone carrying nuts would be very good.
Whatever pigs they were getting up in the sticks of San Benito countyi didn't care for:-D
And than there's venison. :spew:
Lol (wussy)
I don't hunt but I have 2 killer bows.
A mathews dxt and a hoyt something or other
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Something I didn't think about before is I bet you had boar with intact genitals. I hear they aren't very good to eat, particularly the Russian stock and in fact the 3 I have stuck with a broadhead were all feral rather than true wild stock and all very young males in the 60-80 and 100-120 pound range or females. I don't think a 250-300+ pound boar with a big set of testosterone carrying nuts would be very good.
You hit the nail on the head. We have a hog problem down here in NW Florida. As a non-game animal, they are legal to kill year round. Most folks trap them, kill the older boars and sows for dog food, and cut the young males and feed them corn for a couple three weeks before slaughter. The diet has a big impact on taste.

All this BBQ talk has me ready for lunch though.
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And most "wild" hogs are the offspring of domesticated animals that got out. They have good genetics and with just a little food, can really reproduce like crazy. They can wreck a field in one day with their rooting.
And most "wild" hogs are the offspring of domesticated animals that got out. They have good genetics and with just a little food, can really reproduce like crazy. They can wreck a field in one day with their rooting.

Yep and feral domesticated pics return very quickly, within a few generations, to the way they looked before domestication, with the thicker hair and longer snouts.