
Well-Known Member
make sure the room works before you spend alot of time and money. electrical connections, ability to ventilate, secrecy and security. check out these before you think about anything else. no use wasting time and money if the room won;t work


Well-Known Member
if you enjoy do it yourself home projects then you don;t need a tent. if you call the electrician to change a lightbulb, get a tent. anything in between, its just a matter of taste.


Well-Known Member
If I got A tent Would u use a drip soil Kit or hydro kit keep in mind this is my first grow
do whatever type of grow you want in them...I bought one after years of growing because my new place was very nice and I didnt want to trash the room with hooks and screws and everything else...they are great of your renting but if you own a place nothing beats a home made grow room....you'll probably find you can customize an actual room to your spec.'s much esaier than in a tent...


Well-Known Member
Agreed, soil is best for a first grow. Experience is the best way to learn, and soil has more room for error. Get your first grow under your belt before you make things more complex. Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Get a 1000 watt HPS with an air cooled hood, pipe it, and 5gal buckets filled with FFOF. You cannot go wrong.


Well-Known Member
How big is the closet? I'm growing in mine which is about 5x5. I had a 1000w in there and it burned the shit out of my plants. 400w should be plenty. Just line the whole closet with mylar and you'll be cool. Also I have the light hanging from the pole that you would usually hang clothes on so I didn't have to drill into the ceiling or anything.


Well-Known Member
How big is the closet? I'm growing in mine which is about 5x5. I had a 1000w in there and it burned the shit out of my plants. 400w should be plenty. Just line the whole closet with mylar and you'll be cool. Also I have the light hanging from the pole that you would usually hang clothes on so I didn't have to drill into the ceiling or anything.
Ducting and an air cooled hood would solve that problem.


Well-Known Member
sit down and draw a floor plan. How big is your room? how many rooms will you want and how big can you make them? where will you get fresh air from(outside,a/c,)? I highly recomend a sealed aircooled hood. i have a "supersun" w/ 1000w in a 5'x5' room for my veg and another SS 1000w in my 6'x6' flowering room. I also use a closet for seedlings and clones with 2 x T-5 2' footers. 2 exhaust fans plus a 4" high velocity to cool the lights(dont forget carbon/can filter for exhaust), plus 2 oscillating fans. Will you want a seperate mother room? maybe these pics will give you some ideas.:weed::weed:

Oh , these are my babies at 5 weeks old. Purple.



Well-Known Member
I have done a walk-in 5'x5' closet with a 1000w hps. Room tempeture will be your biggest issue. Ya pretty much gotta have the door open while the lights are on, otherwise your gonna get into alot of issues.. Just read alot about temps and fans, do a dry run before you put your plants in so you can sorta precheck any issues that will have to be addressed and not having to worry about your plants.. It's such a bitch to deal with during the grow..