Donald Trump

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Just to clue you in, maybe you weren't paying attention, I'm not voting for Clinton or Sanders. But I'm certainly not voting for Trump.

Interestingly, you all (Republicans) were crying for 8 years how Obama was wet behind the ears, and didn't have the experience. Now you want someone in office who has absolutely no experience.

You all are like 10 year old girls. You can't make up your mind, are constantly contradicting yourselves, and whine and cry when you don't get your way.


Donald has experience managing and making money and will not let anyone pull his strings because he has no strings, it crash and burn or live long and prosper.

It`s all about Democrats on the other side.
Ben Carson is a lying moron.
Always got ten toes on a brother, don't you?

Hey see4 not sure how old you are but when my old man got back from Vietnam and got spit on he had to put one of you peace loving hippies into a window said he looked like a pussy. Shoe fits you thought I'd ask but then again they all looked like draft dodging pussies report my comment too I've already been warned so you cowards quite the wrong opinion any chance you get esad
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But then
One less racist. Hopefully he was shot in the area of the chest that is supposed to contain a heart. Which obviously your bloodline obviously lacks.

Oh, and your tiny penis is tiny.
Keep every vets name out your mouth if you're not ashamed of this post it paints a clear picture of your political world view.
You won't do any lifting but you'll chastise the people that do youre lower than whale shit and that's at the bottom of the sea
The "culture of his campaign and rhetoric" you want to hear is somebody who won't attack Democrats. Another nominee so far to left they sound like Hillary. Somebody like McCain/Romney. In other words, you want somebody who can easily be beaten, without putting up much of a fight.

Well the concept completely flew over your head or you just didn't want to acknowledge it. McCain was one of the best the GOP fielded, a true Republican and one that I respected until he did a 180 on torture. Romney was an actual challenge, very well spoken. The GOP could and could have done better had they not gone down this path in 2008-2012.
Trump is a classical narcissist. Bad too. Several clinical psychologists have publicly stated hes textbook. One well respected Dr. said he is so classic that he uses video clips of Trump speeches in his workshops. Another said Trump has such a classical behavior disorder that if he couldnt use Trump as an example he would have to hire actors. These are politically non affiliated professionals in the field of the mind and its disorders. In one online article a group of think tank professionals said his personality disorder could be disastrous for a democracy with this man and his disorder in power. You people need to wake up. This is dangerous. Yet another professional in the field said hes far more interested in the collective mind set of the people that support Trump. My prediction.....this nut will pull something really stupid within the first 6 months of the Presidency and will be immediately impeached by a not exactly Trump friendly Congress. Watch!!!
Trump is a classical narcissist. Bad too. Several clinical psychologists have publicly stated hes textbook. One well respected Dr. said he is so classic that he uses video clips of Trump speeches in his workshops. Another said Trump has such a classical behavior disorder that if he couldnt use Trump as an example he would have to hire actors. These are politically non affiliated professionals in the field of the mind and its disorders. In one online article a group of think tank professionals said his personality disorder could be disastrous for a democracy with this man and his disorder in power. You people need to wake up. This is dangerous. Yet another professional in the field said hes far more interested in the collective mind set of the people that support Trump. My prediction.....this nut will pull something really stupid within the first 6 months of the Presidency and will immediately impeached by. a not exactly Trump friendly Congress. Watch!!!
In the field of academics where theories work that would never ever work in the real world that's why in their heads socialism works
Trump is a classical narcissist. Bad too. Several clinical psychologists have publicly stated hes textbook. One well respected Dr. said he is so classic that he uses video clips of Trump speeches in his workshops. Another said Trump has such a classical behavior disorder that if he couldnt use Trump as an example he would have to hire actors. These are politically non affiliated professionals in the field of the mind and its disorders. In one online article a group of think tank professionals said his personality disorder could be disastrous for a democracy with this man and his disorder in power. You people need to wake up. This is dangerous. Yet another professional in the field said hes far more interested in the collective mind set of the people that support Trump. My prediction.....this nut will pull something really stupid within the first 6 months of the Presidency and will be immediately impeached by a not exactly Trump friendly Congress. Watch!!!

So now we are chopping it up to a mental disorder? Coming up next, we will see a panel of experts agreeing that Trump is clinically insane. It never ends.
Uh....yes we are most definitely "chopping it up to a mental disorder". For sure. Look it up yourself. Your blind if you think other wise. Hes not all together upstairs man.
If he ever gets elected to the Presidency and it either becomes a cluster f#### or business as usual will you at least admit he wasnt what yoh thought he would be?
In the field of academics where theories work that would never ever work in the real world that's why in their heads socialism works
Where in the fuck does socialism play into this? Wow. I know one thing. It may not happen during a Trump Presidency but future potential presidents will see how easy it is to portray themselves as an "outsider"....give the right speeches with all the right words to play on emotions to fire you sheep turn this country into a dictatorship. And the might use the Trump ascendancy as a blueprint. Do any of you know anything about history? European history?
Well the concept completely flew over your head or you just didn't want to acknowledge it. McCain was one of the best the GOP fielded, a true Republican and one that I respected until he did a 180 on torture. Romney was an actual challenge, very well spoken. The GOP could and could have done better had they not gone down this path in 2008-2012.
No doubt but we are seeing the royals eat their young right now. Which needed to happen for us little guys/small business owners/minority community's
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