i need a drunk for a experiment ....next time stopped


Well-Known Member
build a mouse trap the mouse will get smarter .....if they want to they will but the majorary of the ppl will not they will just call someone call a cap or sleep it off in car

and with a th interlock locking the car they cannot arrest u for sleeping in the car with your keys ( yes my state if keys are with in 12 feet of the car u had a intent to drive u go to jail for dui/dwi ) just for sleeping in your car with the keys in your pocket )
You are seriously a piece of human garbage. "I can't control myself so everyone else should be forced to use this device every single time they want to start their car."

Since there are more people who drive than drink wouldn't it make more sense to ban alcohol? I mean it's for the safety of the people right?


Well-Known Member
ppl wounder why this country is going down the shitter

morons like u...fix the problem not line your pockets with cash
Installing these devices would make it so you couldn't drive. Since your not willing to drive sober, your car would never start...
who said i was drunk

i know how to drink i never got a DUI/DWI ..........what happen to my sister in law is what started all this looking for away i would not get arrested like shit did blow in station under the limit have the case throw out but the arrest still on record raising my rates

u ppl are fucking morons ........getting all emotional saying i am drinking and driving.........my arrest record is all for weed misdemeanors


Well-Known Member
ppl wounder why this country is going down the shitter

morons like u...fix the problem not line your pockets with cash

who said i was drunk

i know how to drink i never got a DUI/DWI ..........what happen to my sister in law is what started all this looking for away i would not get arrested like shit did blow in station under the limit have the case throw out but the arrest still on record raising my rates

u ppl are fucking morons ........getting all emotional saying i am drinking and driving.........my arrest record is all for weed misdemeanors
So you're too poor to get a cab but you can still go out for drinks? Me think your priorities are all sorts of fucked up.

i can still vote and own a hand gun and work in the weed field legally
Which you should be able to do. That is not in question. What is in question is your unfounded belief you have the right to drive with any amount of alcohol in your system. Honestly if it was up to me the % would be 0.0001. You should have absolutely no trace of alcohol while you are operating a motor vehicle. Doesn't mean I'm going to FORCE these devices on people. People have this thing called "freedom to fail".


Well-Known Member
if you are Amish, why the hell are you driving a car anyway? take your horse and buggy down to the local liquor store instead.

and don't be a dumbass and get your horse drunk first, ok?


Well-Known Member
So you're too poor to get a cab but you can still go out for drinks? Me think your priorities are all sorts of fucked up.

Which you should be able to do. That is not in question. What is in question is your unfounded belief you have the right to drive with any amount of alcohol in your system. Honestly if it was up to me the % would be 0.0001. You should have absolutely no trace of alcohol while you are operating a motor vehicle. Doesn't mean I'm going to FORCE these devices on people. People have this thing called "freedom to fail".
cab home is 60 bucks from the cloest city
......if i am drunk i will sleep it off in the car wake up go get some drunk greasy food then head home

if it is about saving lives then all cars should have blow starts set to the limit .......it is not about saftey it is about money .....really think about even if 2/3 the pl did not try to jail break it or something u are looking at about 500 lives a day 220 still die

it is about money not safety .........that one thing right there would do more good then all the laws on the books as it stops ppl in tracks


Well-Known Member
who said i was drunk

i know how to drink i never got a DUI/DWI ..........what happen to my sister in law is what started all this looking for away i would not get arrested like shit did blow in station under the limit have the case throw out but the arrest still on record raising my rates

u ppl are fucking morons ........getting all emotional saying i am drinking and driving.........my arrest record is all for weed misdemeanors
You are the one arguing for higher blood alcohol limits, and how the big, bad gov't won't let people drink as much as the should. At the same time, you argue for MORE gov't control with these blow your car devices. WTF? Why not make it so all of their concerns can be addressed before they let you drive by linking cars with gov't databases: Behind on your taxes? Car won't start. Child support late? Car won't start. Not eating enough veggies, didn't hug your kids this morning, voting republican? You're not going anywhere. And how about making cars that can't go above 55 so no one CAN speed? Stupid, right? Since the vast majority of people are adept at controlling their actions and see the value of being responsible, there is no need for the gov't to hold our hands to this inane degree. The fact that it cost thousands of dollars and a loss of driving privileges is supposed to deter people from driving intoxicated. The fact that the state receives this income from defectors is a good thing, it takes some of the financial burden of running the state off of those who are doing what they should. And it gets some of these irresponsible assholes off the road. Seems like everyone wins...
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