Jews and Catholics


Well-Known Member
Obama appointed another Jew to the Supreme Court today.

I think that makes the court 5 jews 5 catholics if he were to get affirmed.

Why do we only have jews and catholics on the court in a country where they are the vast minority?


Well-Known Member
Obama appointed another Jew to the Supreme Court today.

I think that makes the court 5 jews 5 catholics if he were to get affirmed.

Why do we only have jews and catholics on the court in a country where they are the vast minority?
There is supposed to be 9 justices in the supreme court, not 10.
I don't know about religion, but 4 sitting justices were nominated by Democrat presidents, and 4 from Republican


Well-Known Member
There is supposed to be 9 justices in the supreme court, not 10.
I don't know about religion, but 4 sitting justices were nominated by Democrat presidents, and 4 from Republican
I woke up this morning with strep throat. Felt like shit all day. You're right. I think that's 4 jews 5 catholics.


Well-Known Member
You provide a non stop flow of ignorance.
Judaism, and Catholicism are not races. Durptard
1. I was being ironical. Clearly you were not clever enough to pick up on that.
2. The word is "derp" not "durp", as "durp" is known slang for not knowing what else to say, whereas "derp" means meaningless or stupid.

Funny thing is, your entire comment is ironic, and you don't even know it.

You excited to get back to school? I hear spring break is almost over.


Well-Known Member
1. I was being ironical. Clearly you were not clever enough to pick up on that.
2. The word is "derp" not "durp", as "durp" is known slang for not knowing what else to say, whereas "derp" means meaningless or stupid.

Funny thing is, your entire comment is ironic, and you don't even know it.

You excited to get back to school? I hear spring break is almost over.
Ironical fail. You blew that dick long and hard. Durp is the name I've been calling you and uncle cuck for months.
You two are the durpsquad. "Durp de derp dee doo"

Learn how to read OP durptard. The "Biden rules" clearly stipulate that a lame duck president in final year of office should not have a supreme court nominee approved by the Senate. Period, end of story. Uncle Joe said no. Not gonna happen


Well-Known Member
Ironical fail. You blew that dick long and hard. Durp is the name I've been calling you and uncle cuck for months.
You two are the durpsquad. "Durp de derp dee doo"

Learn how to read OP durptard. The "Biden rules" clearly stipulate that a lame duck president in final year of office should not have a supreme court nominee approved by the Senate. Period, end of story. Uncle Joe said no. Not gonna happen
I'm far less concerned about what Joe Biden said years ago, I'm not disputing his hypocrisy.

I am calling out the blatant bigotry casted out by the OP, and wittily underscoring the stupidity of misusing the word "racism" as you and your klansmen often do. Furthermore, because you misuse the word "durp" doesn't make it correct. It just means you've always been a moron, and will always be a moron. I was just trying to help you not be such a fucking idiot, shame on me for thinking you'd have an ounce of intelligence and pick up on that.

Nice try though. Seriously. I wish I could say you're getting more witty, but you're not.


Well-Known Member
I'm far less concerned about what Joe Biden said years ago, I'm not disputing his hypocrisy.

I am calling out the blatant bigotry casted out by the OP, and wittily underscoring the stupidity of misusing the word "racism" as you and your klansmen often do. Furthermore, because you misuse the word "durp" doesn't make it correct. It just means you've always been a moron, and will always be a moron. I was just trying to help you not be such a fucking idiot, shame on me for thinking you'd have an ounce of intelligence and pick up on that.

Nice try though. Seriously. I wish I could say you're getting more witty, but you're not.
So you pull the klansman race card to try and dig your way out... You're not even black.
We all know liberals on the left are the ones confusing religion and race - nationality and race, etc
How else could somebody call a border fence racist? They would have to be durptarded


Well-Known Member
So you pull the klansman race card to try and dig your way out... You're not even black.
We all know liberals on the left are the ones confusing religion and race - nationality and race, etc
How else could somebody call a border fence racist? They would have to be durptarded
Klansmen aren't a race dumbass. I thought we've already established racism, weren't you the one trying to call me out for that?


Well-Known Member
How is it racist to point out that jews and catholics dominate the high court in a country with few catholics and even fewer jews?

The left is the side calling for diversity, is it not? We how about some diversity on the court.!


Well-Known Member
Obama appointed another Jew to the Supreme Court today.

I think that makes the court 5 jews 5 catholics if he were to get affirmed.

Why do we only have jews and catholics on the court in a country where they are the vast minority?
Your real concern should be with the fact that it seems to be a requirement that you have to have attended either Harvard or Yale. At least that's the problem that I have.
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Well-Known Member
How is it racist to point out that jews and catholics dominate the high court?
I'm pretty sure that if I'd brought up the fact that there have only been two African Americans to EVER serve on the Supreme Court, you would have led the "race baiter" brigade in attempting to demonize not the fact that it's true, but simply because I even had the audacity to bring it up. So there's that.
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Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that if I'd brought up the fact that there have only been two African Americans to EVER serve on the Supreme Court, you would have led the "race baiter" brigade in attempting to demonize not the fact that it's true, but simply because I even had the audacity to bring it up. So there's that.
No I agree with you. We should have blacks on SCOTUS. The reason we've only had 2 is becuase it's only been 40 or 50 years where a president could appoint a black candidate, and there were not that many qualified black candidates before that. But going forward I think we should always have at least 2 there.


Well-Known Member
Your real concern should be with the fact that it seems to be a requirement that you have attended either Harvard or Yale. At least that's the problem that I have.
Well we have had some from Stanford I think, have we not?

But yeah, there should be more diversity on this court.


Well-Known Member
Obama appointed another Jew to the Supreme Court today.

I think that makes the court 5 jews 5 catholics if he were to get affirmed.

Why do we only have jews and catholics on the court in a country where they are the vast minority?
How many supreme court justices are there?