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Fuck drug tests. Whip your dick out and piss all over their floor. Walk out like you own the place. Film it for YouTube. Start a movement. Go viral. Post the link here. Easy as piss.

Drink lots of water, eat red meat or take creatine pills, and take B-vitamins. Pee before you take the test to reduce the amount of buildup overnight. Get it into the cup mid-stream. You might be able to sneak by with dilution, but if you use it often you're probably fucked.
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Cinema buffs will notice that the pool and veranda used in the Cars iconic hit video "Magic" is the same pool and veranda from the hit movie _______________
ive been working since i could hold a sin card in canada (15) they dont DT unless its like police , school bus driver, social worker, that kinda shit
but i always knew usa did for like everything and understand why too
Canadians need a card to sin? Down here it is a civil right (7th Amendment if you are studying). Because we have Pinworm; he washes away all our sins.
At least its not a hair test. You would be really screwed.
Hair tests are bullshit. Tried to relocate to GA last year via a job offer for my boyfriend. Didn't learn until like, 2 weeks before the start date that there would be a drug test (or he didn't read the paperwork well), and they definitely didn't mention which kind it would be. I spent like a week figuring out ways he could pass it, and then we got the test in the mail... He'd only been drug-free for a month in preparation, so there was no chance of passing since they look 3 months back. Fucked us up real good because he'd already put in his notice. Pre-employment screening is unfair and hair tests are unjustifiably harsh. Even if he'd had a med card we still would've been fucked because cards aren't good between states.
Blind Date WAS a good one. HAAALF???

OP, seriously, this works for me. I jerk off in the cup with the pee. If it comes back positive you tell them your GF (orBF) gave you a BJ in the parking lot right after taking a few hits of her medical weed.
drink a lot of water. Atleast a gallon a day (not in one sitting, sip it throughout the day) that worked for me. Works better than any "detox drink" but 1 week is cutting it close. 50% chance ur fucked.