Image Association

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This should say FAG on it but here it is anyways
fuck that monkey...

here the original pic i had posted....

The photo you linked is fake! I finally took the time to check this out. It's the same girl from the homer one

Someone seriously took the time to sit there and edit this chick's vag to look like it had that tat...

LMAO, I'm just imagining some guy, with his nose to the screen, with the pic blown up all huge to get the detail....funny, in a creepy, makes me feel a little dirty sorta way
This should say FAG on it but here it is anyways
You outed yourself. LOL!
[FONT=Geneva,Arial]Research by US psychologists suggests that 80 percent of men who are homophobic have secret homosexual feelings. This finding lends scientific support to the long-standing speculation that those who shout the loudest against homosexuality have something to hide.[/FONT]
Bigots are buggers

That photo must be from your personal stash. :twisted:
funny shit! lol i remember being in french class and this dude saying this line... (i haden't seen the movie yet)

SO the appropriate pic would be:


and my response would have to be:

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