EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid this result is going to turn a lot of people off to politics. That could have some very serious repercussions come November.
sadly I have a confession..on my way to early voting a couple was leaving with baby stroller and no 'I voted' stickers..overheard was 'if he loses by 2 votes, it's gonna be our fault'..I'm thinking WTF? so I go in, show my ID and told I can't vote..(the rage hasn't quite made it from brain to mouth) as they tell me 'I have no ballot'..W..T..F???? seems I'm 'no party' (changed parties from dem to indie to align with Sanders and forgot to change it back).

Sanders never got my vote:cry:

<schuylaar braces for shit storm puts on rain coat and ducks>


Well-Known Member
Mrs Clinton had best get to mending fences, she needs to build a consensus.

I'm skeptical, putting it mildly.
mend fences..what's changed?

I'm still writing in Sanders.

obvi this country has not yet understood the connection between money and politics.

Sanders supporters are NOT rolling over to Clinton, she should NOT expect that we will abandon Sanders message and principles fought for, which are completely opposite of Clinton.

wonder how she'll do against trump without those votes?..now that would be the ultimate payback..wouldn't it?

job well done media:clap:
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Well-Known Member
mend fences..what's changed?

I'm still writing in Sanders.

obvi this country has not yet understood the connection between money and politics.

Sanders supporters are NOT rolling over to Clinton, she should NOT expect that we will abandon Sanders message and principles fought for, which are completely opposite of Clinton.

wonder how she'll do against trump without those votes?..now that would be the ultimate payback..wouldn't it?

job well done media:clap:


Well-Known Member
sadly I have a confession..on my way to early voting a couple was leaving with baby stroller and no 'I voted' stickers..overheard was 'if he loses by 2 votes, it's gonna be our fault'..I'm thinking WTF? so I go in, show my ID and told I can't vote..(the rage hasn't quite made it from brain to mouth) as they tell me 'I have no ballot'..W..T..F???? seems I'm 'no party' (changed parties from dem to indie to align with Sanders and forgot to change it back).

Sanders never got my vote:cry:

<schuylaar braces for shit storm puts on rain coat and ducks>
LOL. I'm sorry but you have to laugh at that. Did you tell them you have the highest hit thread right now? Bernie people...LOL


Active Member
Then , suddenly the FBI arrests Hillary and cancels her Christmas.,..then, Bernie looses to Trump.

See there`s hope, but not change. Unless you look in your pocket or in the car.

Good point. Hilary 2016....Call it a right wing conspiracy if you want but the last time I checked, your canidate was being investigated for arming "moderate terrorists"...or what ever the fuck there calling the free syrian army these days.

For all you uneducated idiots, here is a video of former DIA director and LT General Michael Flynn under Obama. On Al Jazeera, he admits he was instructed by his superiors to continue arming the rebels opposed to Assad, even after he voiced his concerns that these rebels were al queda and other extremist sunni groups...aka isis. QUOTE "it was a decision to fund arm isis"

He's not the only one saying it! Don't you people understand that most of the weapons and a lot of the same sunni mercenaries that we used in Libya were being shipped to Syria in 2012 and THAT IS WHY SHE LIED AND SAID BEN GHAZI WAS ABOUT A VIDEO...SHE ADMITTED THIS IN HER TESTIMONY...WHY THERE FUCK WEREN'T YOU PAYING ATTENTION!

Let's not forget the Clinton foundation just happened to get tens of millions in donations from app the countries that later got favorable treatment from the state department. Let's not forget China gate, when bill did the same thing with defense secrets and actually invited chinese officials over for tours!!!

The Republicans talk openly about fucking you with sand. Democrats just use lube and rape you in your sleep.


Active Member
Switzerland is a good little socialist country. In Switzerland all able body males must own and know how to use an assault weapon. Every house has a gun in it. They've never even heard of crime, and they don't get in many wars.

But let's use England's laws instead where violent gun crime has soared since the ban!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
sadly I have a confession..on my way to early voting a couple was leaving with baby stroller and no 'I voted' stickers..overheard was 'if he loses by 2 votes, it's gonna be our fault'..I'm thinking WTF? so I go in, show my ID and told I can't vote..(the rage hasn't quite made it from brain to mouth) as they tell me 'I have no ballot'..W..T..F???? seems I'm 'no party' (changed parties from dem to indie to align with Sanders and forgot to change it back).

Sanders never got my vote:cry:

<schuylaar braces for shit storm puts on rain coat and ducks>

Divine Intervention. Welcome to Anarchy.


Active Member
sadly I have a confession..on my way to early voting a couple was leaving with baby stroller and no 'I voted' stickers..overheard was 'if he loses by 2 votes, it's gonna be our fault'..I'm thinking WTF? so I go in, show my ID and told I can't vote..(the rage hasn't quite made it from brain to mouth) as they tell me 'I have no ballot'..W..T..F???? seems I'm 'no party' (changed parties from dem to indie to align with Sanders and forgot to change it back).

Sanders never got my vote:cry:

Too bad we live in some kind of facist communist corporate dictatorship where voting only give you the ILLUSION of choice......
time for dabs

<schuylaar braces for shit storm puts on rain coat and ducks>


Well-Known Member
What's your next move? I'm done voting for 4 years.
I don't know. Still licking my wounds. It all depends on what Hill Pill does over the next month or so. If there is any back tracking on the ACA, I'm voting Green Party. But that's the only for sure trigger point for me at this time.